Agency Information Collection Extension

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Federal RegisterMay 3, 2024
89 Fed. Reg. 36802 (May. 3, 2024)


U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).




EIA invites public comment on the proposed three-year extension, with changes, to the Uranium Data Program (UDP) as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The UDP consists of three surveys: Form EIA-851A Domestic Uranium Production Report (Annual), which collects annual data from the U.S. uranium industry on uranium milling and processing, uranium feed sources, uranium mining, employment, drilling, expenditures, and uranium reserves; Form EIA-851Q Domestic Uranium Production Report (Quarterly), which collects monthly uranium production data that is reported on a quarterly basis; and Form EIA-858 Uranium Marketing Annual Survey, which collects annual data from the U.S. uranium market on uranium contracts and deliveries, inventories, enrichment services purchased, uranium in fuel assemblies, feed deliveries to enrichers, and unfilled market requirements for the current year and the following ten years.


Comments on this information collection must be received no later than June 3, 2024. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice to Find this particular information collection by selecting “Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments” or by using the search function.


If you need additional information, contact Tim Shear, U.S. Energy Information Administration, telephone (202) 586-0403, or by email at The forms and instructions are available on EIA's website at


This information collection request contains:

(1) OMB No.: 1905-0160;

(2) Information Collection Request Title: Uranium Data Program;

(3) Type of Request: Three-year extension with change;

(4) Purpose: Uranium Data Program (UDP) collects data on domestic uranium supply and demand activities, including production, exploration and development, trade, purchases and sales available to the U.S. The users of these data include Congress, Executive Branch agencies, the nuclear and uranium industry, electric power industry, and the public. Form EIA-851A data is published in EIA's Domestic Uranium Production Report—Annual, at . Form EIA-851Q data is published in EIA's Domestic Uranium Production Report—Quarterly at Form EIA-858 data is published in EIA's Uranium Marketing Annual Report at and Domestic Uranium Production Report—Annual at

(4a) Changes to Information Collection: There is a 6 hour increase in the total estimated burden across all three surveys. Due to the continued downturn in the uranium landholding/exploration/production sectors, EIA-851A had four fewer respondents which reduced the burden hours by 20. The addition of one trader/broker on the EIA-858 survey will result in 26 additional burden hours. The larger burden estimate of the EIA-858 survey (26 burden hours) compared to the EIA-851A survey (5 burden hours) results in 26 additional EIA-858 hours against a reduction of 20 hours on the EIA-851A survey (4 fewer respondents by 5 hours per response) for a total net burden gain of six hours across all three surveys. The number of respondents for the Form EIA-851A has decreased from 30 to 26. The number of respondents for the Form EIA-851Q has remained at 11. The number of respondents for the Form EIA-858 has increased from 61 to 62. Total annual burden hours across all uranium surveys will increase slightly from 1,769 hours to 1,775 hours;

(5) Annual Estimated Number of Respondents: 99;

(6) Annual Estimated Number of Total Responses: 132;

(7) Annual Estimated Number of Burden Hours: 1775;

(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: EIA estimates that there are no capital and start-up costs associated with this data collection. The information is maintained during the normal course of business. The cost of the burden hours is estimated to be $161,809 (1,775 burden hours times $91.16 per hour). Other than the cost of burden hours, EIA estimates that there are no additional costs for generating, maintaining, and providing this information.

Statutory Authority: 15 U.S.C. 772(b), 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.

Signed in Washington, DC, on April 29, 2024.

Samson A. Adeshiyan,

Director, Office of Statistical Methods and Research, U.S. Energy Information Administration.

[FR Doc. 2024-09647 Filed 5-2-24; 8:45 am]