5 U.S.C. § 7311
An individual may not accept or hold a position in the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia if he-
5 U.S.C. § 7311
Derivation | U.S. Code | Revised Statutes and Statutes at Large |
5 U.S.C. 118p . | Aug. 9, 1955, ch. 690, §1, 69 Stat. 624. | |
[Uncodified]. | June 29, 1956, ch. 479, §3, (as applicable to the Act of Aug. 9, 1955, ch. 690, §1, 69 Stat. 624), 70 Stat. 453. |
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10450Ex. Ord. No. 10450, Apr. 27, 1953, 18 F.R. 2489, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 10491, Oct. 15, 1953, 18 F.R. 6583; Ex. Ord. No. 10531, May 27, 1954, 19 F.R. 3069; Ex. Ord. No. 10548, Aug. 3, 1954, 19 F.R. 4871; Ex. Ord. No. 10550, Aug. 6, 1954, 19 F.R. 4981; Ex. Ord. No. 11605, July 2, 1971, 36 F.R. 12831; Ex. Ord. No. 11785, June 4, 1974, 39 F.R. 20053; Ex. Ord. No. 12107, Dec. 28, 1978, 44 F.R. 1055, which related to security requirements for Government employees, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 13467, §3(a), as added by Ex. Ord. No. 13764, §3(v), Jan. 17, 2017, 82 F.R. 8128, which is set out in a note under section 3161 of Title 50, War and National Defense, and which contains additional construction provisions related to the revocation.
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 11605Ex. Ord. No. 11605. July 2, 1971, 36 F.R. 12831, which amended Ex. Ord. No. 10450, Apr. 27, 1953, 18 F.R. 2489, which related to security requirements for government employees, was revoked by Ex. Ord. No. 11785, June 4, 1974, 39 F.R. 20053, set out below.
EX. ORD. NO. 11785. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEESEx. Ord. No. 11785, June 4, 1974, 39 F.R. 20053, provided:By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the United States, including 5 U.S.C. 1101 et seq., 3301, 3571, 7301, 7313, 7501(c), 7512, 7532, and 7533; and as President of the United States, and finding such action necessary in the best interests of national security, it is hereby ordered as follows: SECTION 1. Section 12 of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, as amended [set out as a note under this section], is revised to read in its entirety as follows:"SEC. 12. Executive Order No. 9835 of March 21, 1947, as amended, is hereby revoked."SEC. 2. Neither the Attorney General, nor the Subversive Activities Control Board, nor any other agency shall designate organizations pursuant to section 12 of Executive Order No. 10450, as amended, nor circulate nor publish a list of organizations previously so designated. The list of organizations previously designated is hereby abolished and shall not be used for any purpose. SEC. 3. Subparagraph (5) of paragraph (a) of section 8 of Executive Order No. 10450, as amended, is revised to read as follows: "Knowing membership with the specific intent of furthering the aims of, or adherence to and active participation in, any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group, or combination of persons (hereinafter referred to as organizations) which unlawfully advocates or practices the commission of acts of force or violence to prevent others from exercising their rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any State, or which seeks to overthrow the Government of the United States or any State or subdivision thereof by unlawful means."SEC. 4. Executive Order No. 11605 of July 2, 1971, is revoked. Richard Nixon.
- Member
- The term "Member" means a Senator in, a Representative in, or a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress.