Okla. Stat. tit. 68 § 2001
Every person, firm, association, or corporation engaged in the manufacture of products from lint cotton, wool, synthetic fibers, or any combination thereof, by carding, spinning, making twine, or weaving into cloth, or other processes, or using any property whatever in such enterprise, shall within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the quarter annual period ending the last day of March, June, September and December of each year, file with the County Assessor of the county in which said property so engaged, including all buildings housing such textile mill in which such cotton, wool or synthetic fibers are manufactured, is located, a statement under oath, on a form prescribed by the State Auditor and Inspector, showing the location of the said textile mill within the county, the kind of product manufactured by the said mill, the gross amount thereof produced, the selling price for all such products sold, and the actual cash value of the manufactured product on hand at the place of production, and such other information pertaining thereto, as the county assessor shall require, and shall at the same time pay to the county treasurer of the county a tax equal to one-tenth of one percent (1/10 of 1%) of the gross value of the manufactured product of the said textile mill or mills within such county.
This act is intended to classify property engaged in the manufacture of lint cotton, wool, or synthetic fibers in this State for the purposes of taxation, and the county assessor of any county in which any textile mill is located and operated shall have power to require the operating officers or agents of the said textile mill company or institution to furnish any information by him deemed to be necessary for the purpose of correctly computing the amount of the said tax and to examine the books, records and files of such person, firm, corporation, or association and shall have the power to examine witnesses, and if any witness shall fail or refuse to appear and testify at the summons or requests of the said county assessor, the said county assessor shall certify the facts and the name of the witness so failing and refusing to appear and testify or to produce any book, record or file to the district court of the county having jurisdiction of the party, and said court shall thereupon issue a summons to said party to appear and give such evidence and produce such books, records and files as may be required and, upon failing to do so, the offending party shall be punished as provided by law in cases of contempt.
The county assessor shall have power to ascertain and determine whether or not any return herein required is a true and correct return of the gross products and of the value thereof of such textile manufactory engaged in the manufacture of textiles in this state.
The payment of the taxes herein imposed shall be in full and in lieu of all taxes by the state, counties, cities, towns, townships, school districts and other municipalities upon any property rights attached to or inherent in the property of the said textile manufactory, and upon any buildings, machinery, engines, spindles, weaving machines, and upon any and all other machinery and appliances and equipments used in and around such textile manufactory producing any manufactured product from lint cotton, wool, or synthetic fibers in the raw state in this state, and actually used in the operation of such textile mill and upon any investment whatever in such property; but the land exclusive of the buildings and such other property than that herein enumerated, and any raw cotton, wool, or synthetic fibers not purchased for and intended to be manufactured on the ad valorem taxing date and thereafter manufactured in said textile mill or mills, shall be assessed and taxed ad valorem as other property within the taxing district in which such property was situated at the time.
Any person, firm, or corporation who claims that he is erroneously or excessively taxed under this act shall have a right to make complaint before the board of county commissioners in the county in which the textile mill is located, and the said board shall have a right to hear and determine the said complaint as in other cases for the equalization of taxes, and the said property so engaged and devoted to the textile manufacture shall not be subject to ad valorem tax or any other taxes than are herein provided for.
Okla. Stat. tit. 68, § 2001