Okla. Stat. tit. 10 § 7503-2.6

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 7503-2.6 - Extrajudicial consent
1. A putative father at least sixteen (16) years of age, of a minor born out of wedlock who is not an Indian child, as defined by the Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Act, may execute an extrajudicial consent before a notary public in which the putative father waives any legal interest in the minor, disclaims any legal rights with respect to the minor, and consents to the adoption of the minor. An extrajudicial consent may be executed by a putative father before or after the birth of the minor.
2. A man who is the legal husband of the mother of a minor who is not an Indian child, as defined by the Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Act, may execute an extrajudicial consent before a notary public in which he waives any legal interest in the minor, disclaims any legal rights with respect to the minor, and consents to the adoption of the minor. An extrajudicial consent may be executed by the father only after the birth of the minor.
B. The extrajudicial consent shall contain:
1. The date, place, and time of the execution of the consent;
2. The name, current mailing address, telephone number, date of birth, and social security number of the putative father executing the consent;
3. Instructions that the consent is revocable for any reason for fifteen (15) days after the execution of the consent, the manner in which it may be revoked, and that thereafter the consent is irrevocable, except upon the specific grounds specified in Section 7503-2.7 of this title;
4. A statement that the putative father is executing the document voluntarily and is unequivocally consenting to the adoption of the minor, and that the putative father understands that the consent is final, and except for fraud or duress or the other grounds set forth in Section 7503-2.7 of this title, may not be revoked for any reason more than fifteen (15) days after execution of the document;
5. A statement that the putative father executing consent is represented by counsel or has waived the right to counsel;
6. A statement that the putative father understands that the execution of the extrajudicial consent does not terminate any duty of the person executing the extrajudicial consent to support the mother or the minor until the adoption is completed;
7. A statement that the putative father executing the consent is not a member of an Indian tribe and that the minor is not, through him, eligible for membership in an Indian tribe;
8. A statement that the putative father believes that the adoption of the minor is in the minor's best interests;
9. A statement that the putative father has been advised that an adult adopted person born in Oklahoma, whose decree of adoption is finalized after November 1, 1997, may obtain a copy of such person's original certificate of birth unless affidavits of nondisclosure have been filed pursuant to Section 7503-2.5 of this title and that the consenting putative father may file an affidavit of nondisclosure;
10. A statement that the putative father has not received or been promised any money or any thing of value for the extrajudicial consent, except for payments authorized by law; and
11. A statement that the putative father is not under the influence of alcohol or medication or other substance that affects his competence at the time of the signing of the extrajudicial consent.
C. An extrajudicial consent shall be revocable for any reason for fifteen (15) calendar days after the execution of the consent before the notary public. To revoke the extrajudicial consent, the consenting person must file a notice of revocation and an intent to claim paternity, an acknowledgement of paternity, or a notice of his desire to receive notice of adoption proceedings or proceedings to terminate his parental rights, with the Paternity Registry of the Department of Human Services pursuant to Section 7506-1.1 of this title, and must provide a copy of this notice to the birth mother at the time of filing the notice with the Paternity Registry of the Department of Human Services.
D. The execution of an extrajudicial consent does not extinguish any duty of the putative father to support the mother or the minor until the adoption is completed.
E. Where no notice of revocation is filed in the time period specified in subsection C of this section, the execution of the extrajudicial consent shall operate as a waiver of the consenting person's right to notice and participation in any adoption proceedings or termination of parental rights proceedings regarding the minor referenced in the extrajudicial consent.

Okla. Stat. tit. 10, § 7503-2.6

Added by Laws 1997, HB 1241, c. 366, § 14, eff. 11/1/1997; Amended by Laws 1998 , HB 2829, c. 415, §12, emerg. eff. 6/11/1998; Amended by Laws 1999, c. 396, § 16, emerg. eff. 6/10/1999; Amended by Laws 2005 , HB 1416, c. 57, §1, eff. 11/1/2005.