Minn. Stat. § 237.74
Every telecommunications carrier shall elect and keep on file with the department either a tariff or a price list for each service on or before the effective date of the tariff or price, containing the rules, rates, and classifications used by it in the conduct of the telephone business, including limitations on liability. The filings are governed by chapter 13. The department shall require each telecommunications carrier to keep open for public inspection at designated offices so much of these rates, tariffs or price lists, and rules as the department considers necessary for public information.
No telecommunications carrier shall offer telecommunications service within the state upon terms or rates that are unreasonably discriminatory. No telecommunications carrier shall unreasonably limit its service offerings to particular geographic areas unless facilities necessary for the service are not available and cannot be made available at reasonable costs. The rates of a telecommunications carrier must be the same in all geographic locations of the state unless for good cause the commission approves different rates. A company that offers long-distance services shall charge uniform rates and charges on all long-distance routes and in all geographic areas in the state where it offers the services. However, a carrier may offer or provide volume or term discounts or may offer or provide unique pricing to certain customers or to certain geographic locations for special promotions, and may pass through any state, municipal, or local taxes in the specific geographic areas from which the taxes originate.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subdivision, a telecommunications carrier may furnish service free or at reduced rates to its officers, agents, or employees in furtherance of their employment.
Except as prohibited by this section, prices unique to a particular customer or group of customers may be allowed for services when differences in the cost of providing a service or a service element justify a different price for a particular customer or group of customers. Individual pricing for services may be allowed when a uniform price should not be required because of market conditions. Unique or individual prices for services or service elements in effect before August 1, 1993, are deemed to be lawful under this section.
If the commission finds by a preponderance of the evidence presented during the complaint proceeding that existing rates, tolls, tariffs or price lists, charges, or schedules are unjustly discriminatory, or that any service is inadequate or cannot be obtained, the commission may issue its order requiring termination of the discrimination or making the service adequate or obtainable.
If the court finds from an examination of the record that the commission erroneously rejected evidence that should have been admitted, it shall remand the proceedings to the commission with instructions to receive the evidence rejected and any rebutting evidence and to make new findings and return them to the court for further review. Then the commission, after notice to the parties in interest, shall proceed to rehear the matter in controversy and receive the wrongfully rejected evidence and any rebutting evidence offered and make new findings, as upon the original hearing, and transmit it and the new record properly certified to the court of appeals, when the matter shall be again considered by the court in the same manner as in an original appeal.
A telecommunications carrier may extend its facilities into or through a statutory or home rule charter city or town of this state for furnishing its services, subject to the provisions of sections 237.162 and 237.163. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to allow or prohibit facilities bypass of the local exchange telephone company, nor shall it be construed to prohibit the commission from issuing orders concerning facilities bypass of the local exchange telephone company.
A telecommunications carrier shall not be deemed to provide local exchange services within the meaning of sections 237.01 and 237.035 merely because of occasional use of the service by the customer for local exchange service related to the provision of interexchange services.
Telecommunications carriers are subject to uniform rules pertaining to the conduct of intrastate telephone services by telecommunications carriers that the commission has prescribed and may prescribe, to the extent the rules are not inconsistent with this section. Rules, forms, or reports required by the commission must conform as nearly as practicable to the rules, forms, or reports prescribed by the Federal Communications Commission for interstate business.
If a physical connection exists between a telephone exchange system operated by a telephone company and the toll line or lines operated by a telecommunications carrier, neither of the companies shall have the connection severed or the service between the companies discontinued without first obtaining an order from the commission upon an application for permission to discontinue the physical connection. Upon the filing of an application for discontinuance of the connection, the department shall investigate and ascertain whether public convenience requires the continuance of the physical connection, and if the department so finds, the commission shall fix the compensation, terms, and conditions of the continuance of the physical connection and service between the telephone company and the telecommunications carrier. Prior commission approval is not required for severing connections where multiple local exchange companies are authorized to provide service. However, the commission may require the connections if it finds that the connections are in the public interest, but may not require connections with a telecommunications carrier certified to provide only interexchange service.
Section 237.295 applies to telecommunications carriers as it does to telephone companies.
No telecommunications carrier shall construct or operate any line, plant, or system, or any extension of it, or acquire ownership or control of it, either directly or indirectly, without first obtaining from the commission a determination that the present or future public convenience and necessity require or will require the construction, operation, or acquisition, and a new certificate of territorial authority. Nothing in this subdivision requires a telecommunications carrier that has been certified by the commission to provide telephone service before August 1, 1993, to be recertified under this subdivision. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to allow or prohibit facilities bypass of the local exchange telephone company, nor shall it be construed to prohibit the commission from issuing orders concerning facilities bypass of the local exchange telephone company.
[See Note.]
A telecommunications carrier, on its own or in conjunction with the telephone subscriber's provider of local telephone service, shall offer comprehensive international toll blocking of nondomestic area codes that are part of the North American numbering plans, as a condition of offering service in Minnesota.
Minn. Stat. § 237.74
1993 c 268 s 4; 1997 c 123 s 5; 1998 c 345 s 13, 14; 2010 c 247 s 2