Mich. Comp. Laws § 388.1752
Except for reports due on other dates specified in this act, each district and intermediate district shall furnish to the center or the department, as applicable, before the first Monday in November of each year those reports the department considers necessary for the determination of the allocation of funds under this act. In order to receive funds under this act, each district and intermediate district shall also furnish to the center or the department, as applicable, the information the department considers necessary for the administration of this act, including information necessary to determine compliance with article 16, and for the provision of reports of educational progress to the senate and house committees responsible for education, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees responsible for appropriations to school districts, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the state budget director, as appropriate. This section does not require a district or intermediate district to submit any information to both the center and the department.
MCL 388.1752