The undersigned is an authorized principal in ___________, is licensed by the Louisiana Board of Contractors as required by R.S. 47:6030, and certifies under penalty of law, particularly R.S. 14:202.2(A), that the system sold or leased to the homeowner of the residence located at _____________ has a total nameplate value of ________ kilowatts, that no solar dealer, solar installer, or installer affiliate financed the repayment obligations, and that a reasonable good faith belief exists that the residence is eligible for the credit provided for in this Section in the amount claimed on a Louisiana income tax return.
Dealer's Name (printed) Dealer's Name (signature)
Dealer's Louisiana License Number
The undersigned is an authorized principal in ___________, is licensed by the Louisiana Board of Contractors as required by R.S. 47:6030, is a licensed installer, as required by R.S. 37:2156.3, and certifies under penalty of law, particularly R.S. 14:202.2(A), that the system installed at the residence located at _____________ has a total nameplate value of ________ kilowatts.
Installer's Name (printed) Installer's Name (signature)
Installer's Louisiana License Number
Date the installation of the energy system was completed and placed in service
Notary Public
La. Revenue and Taxation § 47:6030