In any proceeding for the recovery of fuel costs under this subdivision in which the costs a utility seeks to recover include costs incurred under a natural gas capacity contract for a term of more than 10 years that procures more than 250,000 dekatherms per day that has not previously been subject to a review under this subdivision, the Commission shall require the utility to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the utility has (i) determined that the utility cannot meet its service obligations, giving due regard, in the Commission's sole discretion, to reliability of service and the need to maintain reliable sources of supply, without an additional fuel resource; (ii) reasonably identified and determined the date and amount of the new fuel resource it needs; (iii) objectively studied available alternative fuel resource options, as verified by the Commission, including options other than a new natural gas capacity contract or contracts to meet the identified and determined need; and (iv) determined that the natural gas capacity contract or contracts are the lowest-cost available option, taking into consideration fixed and variable costs and a reasonable projection of utilization. Absent the Commission's finding that the utility has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the utility had complied with the requirements of clauses (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv), the Commission shall deny the utility's recovery of such costs. Nothing in this subdivision shall limit the Commission's discretion to review and make a determination as to the reasonableness of the recovery by a utility of costs, including costs incurred under a natural gas capacity contract, that were previously subject to a review under this subdivision.
Va. Code § 56-249.6