Section 25662 - Possession of alcoholic beverage on street or highway or in public by person under age of 21(a) Except as provided in Section 25667 or 25668, any person under 21 years of age who possesses any alcoholic beverage on any street or highway or in any public place or in any place open to the public is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or the person shall be required to perform not less than 24 hours or more than 32 hours of community service during hours when the person is not employed or is not attending school. A second or subsequent violation shall be punishable as a misdemeanor and the person shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or required to perform not less than 36 hours or more than 48 hours of community service during hours when the person is not employed or is not attending school, or a combination of fine and community service as the court deems just. It is the intent of the Legislature that the community service requirements prescribed in this section require service at an alcohol or drug treatment program or facility or at a county coroner's office, if available, in the area where the violation occurred or where the person resides. This section does not apply to possession by a person under 21 years of age making a delivery of an alcoholic beverage in pursuance of the order of a parent, responsible adult relative, or any other adult designated by the parent or legal guardian, or in pursuance of employment. That person shall have a complete defense if they were following, in a timely manner, the reasonable instructions of a parent, legal guardian, responsible adult relative, or adult designee relating to disposition of the alcoholic beverage.(b) Unless otherwise provided by law, where a peace officer has lawfully entered the premises, the peace officer may seize any alcoholic beverage in plain view that is in the possession of, or provided to, a person under 21 years of age at social gatherings, when those gatherings are open to the public, 10 or more persons under 21 years of age are participating, persons under 21 years of age are consuming alcoholic beverages, and there is no supervision of the social gathering by a parent or guardian of one or more of the participants. Where a peace officer has seized alcoholic beverages pursuant to this subdivision, the officer may destroy any alcoholic beverage contained in an opened container and in the possession of, or provided to, a person under 21 years of age, and, with respect to alcoholic beverages in unopened containers, the officer shall impound those beverages for a period not to exceed seven working days pending a request for the release of those beverages by a person 21 years of age or older who is the lawful owner or resident of the property upon which the alcoholic beverages were seized. If no one requests release of the seized alcoholic beverages within that period, those beverages may be destroyed.
(c) The penalties imposed by this section do not preclude prosecution or the imposition of penalties under any other provision of law.Ca. Bus. and Prof'l. Code § 25662
Amended by Stats 2019 ch 505 (SB 485),s 5, eff. 1/1/2020.Amended by Stats 2014 ch 162 (AB 1989),s 2, eff. 1/1/2015.Amended by Stats 2010 ch 245 (AB 1999),s 2, eff. 1/1/2011.Amended by Stats 2007 ch 743 (AB 1658),s 4, eff. 1/1/2008.Amended October 10, 1999 (Bill Number: AB 749) (Chapter 787).