Vt. R. App. P. 28
The parties must provide citations in their briefs to the record The proper format for citations is as follows:
Vt. R. App. P. 28
Reporter's Notes-2024 Amendment
Rule 28(g)(1) is revised to update its cross-reference to the word-count limits in Rule 32. Former Rule 32(a)(7) is now (a)(4). See Reporter's Notes-2021 Amendment, V.R.A.P. 32.
Rule 28(e) is amended in conjunction with an amendment to Rule 30(a)(1) requiring a printed case in most appeals, with limited exceptions. As amended, Rule 28(e) states that the parties are required to provide the Court with references to the record in accordance with V.R.A.P. 28(a)(3) and provides the proper format for record citations. These references are important for the Court's efficient and full evaluation of the parties' arguments. Under revised (e)(1), if there is an appeal volume and no printed case or a document is not in the printed case, the parties must cite to the location of the document in the appeal volume. Under existing (e)(2), if there is a printed case, the briefs must reference the location of the document in the printed case. There is no requirement to provide parallel citations to the appeal volume in the brief. However, amended V.R.A.P. 30(d)(2)(A) requires that the index for the printed case contain a page reference to the document's location in the appeal volume.
Reporter's Notes-2021 Amendment
Rule 28 is revised to update its requirements consistent with current practice and the implementation of an electronic case management system and electronic filing.
Subdivisions (a) and (b) are amended to add the word "principal" before appellant's and appellee's brief to make the language consistent with Rule 32.
Rule 28(c) is amended to clarify that it pertains to the appellant's reply brief. The reference to a cross-appeal is removed as this is addressed in new subdivision (d).
New subdivision (d) addresses cross-appeals. It clarifies the different briefs permitted for cases involving cross-appeals. New Rule (d)(2) clarifies that in a case with a cross-appeal an appellee's principal brief is the opportunity to make the principal argument and also to respond to appellant's principal brief. Under (d)(5) no further briefs are permitted without the Court's permission.
Former subdivision (d) is now (e). It contains new paragraphs (1)-(3) addressing how to cite to the record in a brief. Where there is an appeal volume, the location of the document in the appeal volume must always be included. If the case has a printed case, either required or optional, the document is referenced by using the page number in the printed case. For cases where an optional printed case is filed, the reference to the appeal volume must also be included. When multiple superior court cases are consolidated into one appeal, the parties can identify the appeal volume by using the docket number for the superior court case or using another means to clearly identify which case is being cited.
Former paragraphs (d), (e), (f), and (g) are deleted. Former paragraphs (h), (i), and (j) are now (f), (g), and (h).
Reporter's Notes-2020 Amendment
Rule 28(d) is amended in anticipation of the new case management system, which will be rolled out in phases throughout the state, and the concurrent use of both electronic filing and electronic case files. See Reporter's Notes to Rule 3. The 2020 Vermont Rules for Electronic Filing will be used for this new system. The rule is amended to reflect that for a time there will be appeals from cases filed under both the 2010 Vermont Rules for Electronic Filing and the 2020 Vermont Rules for Electronic Filing.
Rule 28(d) is broken into four paragraphs with new headings. Rule 28(d)(1) retains the existing rule about references to the record where there is a nonelectronic case file. Rule (d)(2) is added to explain how to refer to the record for cases filed under the 2010 Vermont Rules for Electronic Filing. Rule (d)(3) is added to explain how to refer to the record in cases filed under the 2020 Vermont Rules for Electronic Filing. In those cases, the new case management system will create a paginated record. Rule (d)(4) is substantially the same in requiring parties to cite to pages of the printed case or record where challenge evidence was identified, offered, and received or rejected.
Reporter's Notes-2018 Amendment
Rule 28(i)(2) is amended to conform its 5-day time period to the simultaneous amendment of V.R.C.P. 6(a).
11. That Rule 31(a)(3) of the Vermont Rules of Appellate Procedure be amended to read as follows (new matter underlined; deleted matter struck through):