048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-7
If either party refuses to participate in a mediation conference or other proposed mediation steps, or if mediation efforts fail to settle the differences, the Director shall appoint an independent hearing officer.
(a) The independent hearing officer shall carry out all appropriate activities in conformance with these procedures.
(b) Qualified hearing officers shall not include any of the following persons:
- 1. the Director,
- 2. the Division Administrator,
- 3. Division of Developmental Disabilities staff, or
- 4. staff of the program providing services to the contestant.
(c) The Director shall not assign any individual who, with respect to the particulars of the case, has any personal or professional bias or interest which might conflict with his objectivity toward either of the parties to the hearing or any of the issues to be decided in the hearing.
(d) Either party to a hearing may object to the assignment of a hearing officer by submitting, in writing, to the Director an objection to the proposed hearing officer. Such an objection shall be made within 10 calendar days of notification of the appointment of the hearing officer and include information supporting a claim of personal or professional bias or interest leading to a lack of objectivity. The Director shall, within 10 calendar days of the receipt, rule on the objection by appointing another person or by verifying that the individual originally proposed is qualified. If another hearing officer is appointed, the procedures set forth above shall also apply.
(e) The hearing officer may at any point withdraw from consideration or from service in any hearing in which the hearing officer believes a personal or professional bias or interest in any of the issues to be decided in the hearing exist which might conflict with the hearing officer's objectivity.
048-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-7