W. Va. Code R. § 126-117-2

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 126-117-2 - Additional
2.1. Copy of content specialization program objectives and certification requirements attached. Copies may be obtained in the office of the Secretary of State and in the West Virginia Department of Education, Bureau of General, Special, and Professional Education.
2.2. Summary of major content specialization objectives are identified below.


The autism content specialization objectives are in addition to the behavioral disorders program objectives and flow from the special needs of autistic students for structure, individual management plans, communication programs. The certification requirement are outline in terms of required program components and required clinical experience.

School Personnel

Certification and Licensure Standards Educational Personnel






The teacher education program in Behavioral Disorders with additional emphasis on instruction of, the Autistic student provides the prospective teacher with a total educational experience. A multidisciplinary approach based on evolving technologies and current standards of excellence should be used. This approach should include teachers, school support personnel, parents, and persons in the community. "Teachers of Autistic students may instruct students in a variety of settings including the classroom, home, community, and work environment. The overall goal of the autistic students educational experience should be to develop lifetime skills across all appropriate areas of instruction. The following program objectives flow from needs of autistic students for structure, individual management plans, communication systems, assessment, socialization skills, recreational skills, and academic programs.

Program Objectives

The teacher education program shaft provide training and experience which will enable the teacher to:

6.0 Plan and organize the appropriate classroom structure which facilitates learning of autistic students.
6.1 Develop a schedule to establish routine. (Ap)*
6.2 Prepare data-based lesson plans. (Sy)


* Letters in parenthesis indicates level of taxonomy at which the objective is expected to be achieved:

In the Cognitive Domain: Kn-Knowledge, Cm-Comprehension, Ap-Application, An-Analysis, Sy-Synthesis, Ev-Evaluation (Adapted from Bloom et al.)

in the Affective Domain: Re-Receiving, Rs-Responding, Va-Valuing, Or-Organization, and Cv-Characterization by a value or value complex (Adapted from Krathwohi et ai.)

In the Psychomotor Domain: Rm-Reflex Movements, Fm-Fundamental Movement, Pc-Perceptual Ability, Ps-Physical Ability, Sm-Skilied Movement, Ec-Expressive Communication (Adapted from Harrow)

6.3 Emphasize planned instructional activities rather than depend on incidental learning. (Or)
6.4 Plan for physical classroom environment to enhance learning for" autistic students. (Ap)
6.5 Demonstrate use of a "high degree of teacher-intrusive behaviors in Instructional activities. (Ec)
6.8 Describe strategies to incorporate flexibility within the routine of the autistic student. (Cm)
6.7 Discuss the value of repetition, dear expectations, and consistency to the learning environment of the autistic student. (Or)
6.8 Control for extraneous environmental stimuli. (Ap)
7.0 Prepare and implement individual management plans for autistic students.
7.1 Describe characteristics of autism and their implications for learning. (Cm)
7.2 Implement a behavior modification system. (Ap)
7.3 Implement alternative management strategies such as assertive discipline, intrusion activities/ and modeling. (Ap)
7.4 Demonstrate proper procedures for the use of approved restraints. (Sm)
7.5 Use approved procedures and devices for aversives. (Ap)
7.6 Comply with civil and human rights of individuals in use of restraint techniques and aversives. (Rs)
7.7 Use unusual reinforcers when specified in the individual Education Program. (Ap)
8.0 Demonstrate a knowledge and application of appropriate communication systems for autistic students.
8.1 Design or modify and use nonverbal communication systems in instruction for autistic students. Examples include picture cards, American sign language, finger spelling, blissymbolics, and communication boards. (Sy)
8.2 Use direct, concise, clear language in communicating with autistic students. (Ap)
8.3 Analyze language development, deficits, and acquisition patterns of autistic students. (An)
8.4 Describe the characteristics of language development of autistic students. (Cm)
9.0 Knowledge and skills related to the use of appropriate assessment instruments and their results in the planning for instruction of the autistic students.
9.1 Use formal and informal assessment tools which are appropriate for" autistic students. (Ap)
9.2 Apply results from appropriate assessment instruments to instruction for autistic students. Assessment devices include/ for example, the Psycho-Educational Profile, Rimland Checklist/ Childhood Autism Rating Scale and the Behavior Rating instrument for Autistic and Atypical Children. (Ap)
10.0 Demonstrate instructional skills related to the social development of the autistic student.
10.1 Conduct planned instruction in the home, school, workplace, and community. (Ap)
10.2 Use techniques for teaching social behaviors and skills necessary for autistic students in home, school, work, and community. (Ap)
10.3 State the advantages" of flexible and extended school days. (Cm)
10.4 State the advantages of instruction with families, peers, and adults. (Cm)
11.0 Plan and organize appropriate recreational skills for the autistic student.
11.1 Adapt basic skills and rules for recreational activities for autistic students In order to teach the particular activity and develop in the student the appropriate social skills related to the activity. (Sy)
12.0 Design and implement appropriate academic programs for autistic students.
12.1 Explain the range and variance of learning styles (e.g., uneven learning rates, poor generalization, preferred modality) which characterize autistic students. (Cm)
12.2 Identify and describe exemplary programs for autistic students. (Sy)
12.3 Explain the Instructional Interventions of educable mentally impaired, trainable mentally Impaired, learning disabled, and language delayed programs which are beneficial to curriculum for autistic students. (Sy)
12.4 Use techniques for task analysis to facilitate instruction for autistic students. (Ap)
12.5 Use. appropriate instructional interventions for autistic students. (Ap)


Behavioral Disorders, Grades K-12 (excluding Autism) Program Objectives 1-5


Behavioral Disorders, Grades K-12 (including Autism)

Program Objectives 1-12 Core Component


Elementary (53), Early Childhood (39) or

Basic" Skills Component (30) Genera! Studies


Professional Education


1 instructional role may include self-contained teacher and resource teacher.

Grades 7-12 or K-12 Instructional Specialization to the Behavioral Disordered (excluding Autism) Program Objectives 1-5


Grades 7-12 or K-12 instructional Specialization to the

2 Behavioral Disordered (including Autism)

Program Objectives 1-12

Core Component


An Instructional Specialization in Grades 7-12 or

Grades K-12 General Studies


Professional Education


2 The teacher's assignment is limited to teaching the content and grade level in his subject specialization to children with Behavioral Disorders or to serving as a consultative teacher in Behavioral Disorders within the grade levels of the instructional specialization. Such individuals may not serve in a resource room which serves more than the subject specialization and/or the handicapping condition endorsed on the certificate.

Middle School Endorsement, Grades 4-8

Students shall complete an instructional clinical experience in a middle school in keeping with their anticipated certification.

Grades 7-12

Students shall complete an instructional clinical experience in a junior or senior high school in keeping with their anticipated certification.

Grades K-12

Students shall complete an instructional clinical experience in an academic specialization at two levels: elementary (K-6), secondary (7-9 or 7-12).

Non-Instructional Service, Grades K-12

Students shall complete a non-instructional service clinical experience by working with individuals or groups in a school or clinical setting. When possible, the student shall have educational experiences with public school pupils of different ages; however, the emphasis shall be placed on experience with a wide variety of problems encountered in the service area concerned. Diagnostic "and .prescriptive approaches are encouraged.

Special Education - Grades K-12 or Grades 7-12

Students shall complete an instructional clinical experience in keeping with their anticipated certification. Students enrolled in a special education program for Grades K-12 should have the opportunity to work with pupils of different ages; however/ emphasis shall be given to roles as a self-contained classroom teacher, resource teacher, and itinerant teacher. A student shall complete an instructional clinical experience In each special education specialization for which certification is desired. * *Individuals seeking a Behavioral Disorders endorsement including Autism must complete separate clinical experiencesin Autism and Behavioral Disorders.

Students with a specialization in Physical Education, Grades K-12, Home Economics, Grades 7-12, Art, Grades 7-12 or K-12, Music, Grades K-12, or Industrial Arts/Technology, Grades 7-12 who desire a limited assignment with the mentally retarded shall complete a culminating clinical experience which is restricted to teaching the content area named above to the mentally retarded.

Students with a specialization in Physical Education, Grades K-12, who desire a limited assignment with the physically handicapped shall complete a culminating clinical experience which is restricted to teaching physical education to the. physically handicapped.

Students with a secondary specialization, Grades 7-12 or a subject matter specialization for Grades K-12 who desire an assignment in Special Education In Behavioral Disorders, Hearing impaired or Visually impaired shall complete

* Proposed revision for "Culminating Clinical Experience" section of the Standards for the Approval of Teacher Education Programs in West Virginia.

W. Va. Code R. § 126-117-2