Wash. Admin. Code § 516-21-030

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
Section 516-21-030 - Jurisdiction
(1) General. The student conduct code applies to all student conduct that occurs on university property or in connection with any official university function including university-sponsored activities and transit to/from university functions or activities.
(2) Off-campus conduct. In addition to subsection (1) of this section, student conduct that occurs off campus may be subject to the student conduct code when it:
(a) Adversely affects the safety or well-being of any member of the university community; or
(b) Adversely affects the pursuit of the university's vision, mission, or values; or
(c) Involves academic work or any records, documents, or identifications of the university.

In determining whether to exercise jurisdiction over such conduct, a conduct officer shall consider the seriousness of the alleged offense, the risk of harm involved, and whether the alleged complainant(s) are members of the university community. Any question of interpretation or application of jurisdiction shall be referred to the dean of students for final determination.

(3) Students are responsible for their conduct from the time they have confirmed their enrollment at Western through the awarding of their degree. This includes conduct that occurs before classes begin, after classes end, and during periods between actual terms of enrollment.
(4) Online conduct. The student conduct code applies to behavior conducted online, via electronic mail, text message, or other electronic means, subject to subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(5) International and national study programs. Students who participate in any university-sponsored or sanctioned international or national study program must observe the following rules and regulations:
(a) The laws of the host country and/or state;
(b) The academic and disciplinary regulations of the educational institution or residential housing program where the student is studying;
(c) Any other agreements related to the student's study program; and
(d) These standards of conduct.
(6) A student with a pending conduct violation may not avoid the conduct process by withdrawing from the university. In these circumstances, either:
(a) The university will proceed with the conduct process and, if so, the respondent will be provided with a continued opportunity to participate; and/or
(b) A conduct hold may be placed on the student's official record, preventing them from registering for classes, requesting an official transcript, or receiving a degree from the university. This hold will remain in place until the student has met with the conduct officer to discuss the alleged conduct violation(s) and may include completion of conduct process.
(7) The code applies to the conduct of any student employee whose position is conditioned upon their student status.
(8) Sanctions against student organizations are decided by procedures established by the university administrative unit governing that organization's recognition. Conduct proceedings against individual member(s) of a student organization can be initiated under this code, independent of any departmental action(s) taken against the student organization.
(9) Recognized or registered student organizations that violate university policies and the standards of conduct are subject to sanctions. A recognized or registered student organization may be held accountable for the behavior of its officers, members, or guests when the university demonstrates that:
(a) The organization or its officers should have foreseen that behavior constituting a violation was likely to occur, yet failed to take reasonable precautions against such behavior;
(b) A policy or practice of the organization was responsible for a violation; or
(c) The behavior constituting a violation was committed by, condoned by, or involved multiple organization officers, members, or guests.
(10) Relationship between student conduct process and other legal processes. The university is not required to stay a student conduct proceeding pending any criminal or civil proceeding, nor must the disposition of any such criminal or civil proceeding control the outcome of any student conduct proceeding.

Wash. Admin. Code § 516-21-030

Amended by WSR 17-05-100, Filed 2/15/2017, effective 3/18/2017
Amended by WSR 22-01-075, Filed 12/10/2021, effective 12/11/2021
Amended by WSR 24-21-105, Filed 10/18/2024, effective 11/18/2024

Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12) and 20 U.S.C. 1681-1688 (Title IX Education Amendments of 1972). 12-01-021, § 516-21-030, filed 12/9/11, effective 1/9/12.