All vessels participating in any commercial ocean salmon fishery between Humbug Mountain and the Oregon/California Border that is managed under any salmon quota or harvest guideline must land their fish in Port Orford, Gold Beach, or Brookings, Oregon, and within 24 hours of any closure. All fishers landing salmon caught within this area during any season managed under any salmon quota or harvest guideline must notify ODFW within one hour of delivery, limited fish sellers must notify ODFW within one hour of landing and prior to initiation of any sales, and all fishers intending to transport fish away from the port of landing must notify ODFW prior to transport away from the port of landing by calling (541) 857-2538 or by sending an e-mail to: Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
Or. Admin. Code § 635-003-0078
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 496.138, 496.146 & 506.119
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 506.129