Or. Admin. Code § 414-350-0220
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 414-350-0220 - [Repealed effective 7/1/2025] General Requirements(1) The provider and any caregivers must give the children's needs first priority, ensuring they get adequate care and attention.(2) There shall be activities for children according to their ages, interests, and abilities. If the provider is certified to care for more than 12 children the provider shall have a written program of activities for each age group.(3) A description of the general routine, covering all hours of operation, shall be in writing and shall provide:(a) Regularity of such activities as eating, napping, and toileting with flexibility to respond to the needs of individual children;(b) A balance of active and quiet activities;(c) Individual and group activities;(d) Daily indoor and outdoor activities in which children use both large and small muscles;(e) Periods of outdoor play each day when weather permits; and(f) Opportunities for a free choice of activities by children.(4) The provider and other caregivers shall use the written description of the general routine as a guide, allowing flexibility to respond to the needs of individual children and/or groups of children and to appropriate variations in daily activities.(5) No child may view television or videos or play computer or electronic games for more than two hours per day.(6) Infant and toddler program of activities. The following apply to infant and toddlers in care at the certified home. (a) Infants shall be allowed to form and follow their own patterns of sleeping and waking periods.(b) Children shall be given opportunities during each day to move freely by creeping and crawling in a safe, clean, warm, and uncluttered area.(c) Throughout the day, each infant and toddler shall receive physical contact and individual attention (e.g., being held, rocked, talked to, sung to, and taken on walks inside and outside the home).(d) The provider must have routines for eating, napping, diapering and toileting, with flexibility to respond to the needs of each child.(e) Infants shall have a variety of appropriate infant toys stimulating to the senses.(f) Children shall be given appropriate opportunities to use the five senses through sensory play.(g) Infants shall be put to sleep on their backs.(h) Immediate attention shall be given to the emotional and physical needs of the children. No child shall be routinely left in a crib except for sleep or rest.(i) Caregivers shall encourage the development of self-help skills (dressing, toileting, washing, eating) as children are ready.(j) In addition, toddlers shall be given opportunities to participate in: (A) A variety of activities encouraging creative expression through the arts; and(B) Running, climbing, and other vigorous physical activities.(7) The following safe sleep practices must be followed:(a) Each infant shall sleep in a crib, portable crib, bassinet or playpen with a clean, non-absorbent mattress. All cribs, portable cribs, bassinets and playpens must comply with current Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards;(b) Bassinets may only be used until the infant is able to roll over on their own;(c) Each mattress shall: (B) Be covered by a tightly fitting sheet.(d) A clean sheet shall be provided for each child;(e) Infants must be placed on their backs on a flat surface for sleeping;(f) While on the child care premises, if an infant falls asleep in a place other than their crib, portable crib, bassinet or playpen, the provider must immediately move the infant to an appropriate sleep surface;(g) No child shall be routinely left in a crib, portable crib, bassinet or playpen except for sleep or rest;(h) There shall be no items in the crib, portable crib, bassinet or playpen with the infant, except a pacifier (e.g. bottles, toys, pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, bumpers);(i) Swaddling or other clothing or covering that restricts the child's movement is prohibited;(j) Clothing or items that could pose a strangulation hazard (e.g. teething necklaces, pacifier attachments, clothing drawstrings) are prohibited; and(k) Car seats are to be used for transportation only. Children who are asleep in a car seat must be removed upon arrival to the home and placed in an appropriate sleep surface.(8) Preschool-age program of activities. In addition to the daily routine specified in OAR 414-350-0220(2), preschool-age children shall have opportunities, on a daily basis, to choose from a variety of activities and experiences, which shall include: (a) Creative expression through the arts;(c) Gross (large) motor development;(d) Fine (small) motor development;(f) Opportunities to listen and speak;(h) Appropriate sensory play; and(i) A supervised nap or rest period. Children who do not sleep after 20-45 minutes of quiet time must be provided with an alternative quiet activity. The activity may be in the same room where children are sleeping if it is not distracting to sleeping children.(9) School-age program of activities. In addition to the daily routine specified in OAR 414-350-0220(2), school age children shall have opportunities to choose from a variety of activities, including: (a) Individual or group projects and activities, including homework; and(10) A home providing swimming or other water activities to children shall meet all of the requirements set forth in OAR 414-350-0380.(11) Spa pools on the grounds of the certified family child care home shall be enclosed by a barrier at least 48 inches high, with a lockable gate or door, and have a lockable pool cover. The enclosure and cover shall be locked whenever the child care business is being conducted.Or. Admin. Code § 414-350-0220
CSD 12-1988, f. 6-29-88, cert. ef. 7-1-88; CCD 1-1994, f. & cert. ef. 1-12-94; Renumbered from 412-010-0770; CCD 1-1995, f. 10-30-95, cert. ef. 11-1-95; CCD 3-2002, f. 10-14-02, cert. ef. 10-15-02; CCD 6-2005(Temp), f. 12-29-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06 thru 6-29-06; CCD 3-2006, f. & cert. ef. 6-13-06; CCD 4-2009(Temp), f. 12-30-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10 thru 6-30-10; Reverted to CCD 3-2006, f. & cert. ef. 6-13-06; ELD 4-2017, f. & cert. ef. 3/27/2017; ELD 20-2018, temporary amend filed 10/31/2018, effective 10/31/2018 through 04/27/2019 ELD 10-2018, amend filed 10/16/2018, effective 10/16/2018; ELD 6-2019, amend filed 03/28/2019, effective 3/28/2019; DELC 138-2024, f. 12/11/2024, & cert. ef. 7/1/2025Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 329A.260
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 329A.260, 329A.280 & 329A.290