Should a reduction in the work force become necessary due to lack of funds, lack of work, reasons of economy, or reorganization for efficiency; the office of human resources shall lay off employees and/or abolish positions. The reductions of a position appointment to .75 full time equivalency or greater shall not be considered a reduction in force. The office of human resources shall determine in which classification or classifications layoffs shall occur and the number of employees to be laid off within each classification. Before abolishments are implemented, a statement of rationale and supporting documentation shall be reviewed, and approved, and on file with the office of human resources.
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-81-01
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335.
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 05/06/1983, 06/22/1997, 12/02/2009, 06/01/2011, 12/20/2020