Miss. Code. tit. 9, pt. 8, app 9-8-O
October 2011
1. Added new MSVCC Core Course Evaluation Guide (Appendix)
2. Added revised Student Course Evaluation (Appendix). (Pgs. 36-37)
3. Added revised Student Services Evaluation (Appendix). (Pgs. 31-35)
4. Removed original surveys listed on pages 31-37
5. Added Evaluations section under Provider College Responsibilities
6. Added Faculty Credentialing section under Provider College Responsibilities
7. Removed obsolete Faculty/Credentialing section on page 38 (included under Provider College Responsibilities)
8. Added the MSVCC Credential Certification Form (Appendix)
9. Removed the Evaluation section on page 21 (included in under Provider College Responsibilities).
10. Moved Host Course Evaluations (paragraph only - revised version) on page 40 to Host College Responsibilities.
11. Revised Hosted Course Evaluation (Appendix)
12. Moved MSVCC Student Surveys (paragraph only - revised version) to Page 44 under Student Policies and Procedures.
13. Added Appendix section to Policies and Procedures Manual
14. Changed the History "attachment" on page 48 to Appendix
15. Added additional funding history documents to Appendix
16. Updated table of contents to reflect changes to policies and procedures along with the addition of the Appendix
17. Moved forms, surveys, example, and history documents to the Appendix
18. Reordered sections of manual to increase ease of use
19. Reformatted sections to increase consistency
(Page references are to the 2010 version)
August 2012
1. Added Protection of Student Identity and Information policy (this added to be in compliance with SACS Standard 4.8)
2. Added overview of Proctoring policy and associated fees
3. Added Appendix L, which is a copy of an out-of-state approval form for proctoring
October 2013
1. According to the Community College Support Appropriations Bill, changed the denominator in the FTE formula from 24 to 30 on page 4
2. Changed the Appropriation Bill number and year on page 5
3. Added "short term sessions" to be included in the common statewide enrollments dates on page 6
4. Deleted "A common statewide last date to contact online instructor" on page
5. Added Strategic Plan policy statement
6. Clarified provider college definition on page 10
7. Deleted "The provider CELO will ensure that the standardized buttons/lings for course navigation are used in course shells (See Appendix)" on page 10
8. Added "summer" to the terms in which students will be provided the opportunity to evaluate MSVCC courses on page
9. Clarified host college definition on page 12
10. Changed "master pick list" to MSVCC Master Course Offering List on page 12
11. Added MSVCC Attendance Policy
12. Added in Textbook - Order from Another Store section - If a bookstore is unable to buy from the publisher "and have the textbook delivered to the student within 14 days the host college will plan an order with the provider college".
13. Added in Textbook- Website Accuracy section - the HEOA requirements to disclose textbook ISBN and pricing.
14. Changed terminology from MCCB to MCCB and Office of Distance Learning to Office of eLearning.
15. Removed Appendix B - Standardized Course navigation Buttons/Links and renumbered other appendices
November 2013
1. Calendar Section added Control Dates
February 2014
(Changes were necessary for the introduction of new mini-terms)
1. Criteria for State Reimbursement Section: Edited items 3, 5, 6 and 7 for clarification purposes with the addition of the new mini-terms
2. Calendar Section - Added definitions and the Term Offering Schedule to better explain the new mini-term structure
3. Calendar Section - Added Drop/Add timeframe
4. College Responsibilities Section - Edited Out-of-District Numbers to state that 50% of the total seats must be made available to other colleges at the start of registration and no longer for the entire registration period
5. MSVCC Attendance Policy Section - Change policy to state that 8 and 15 week courses would take attendance once per week and 4 week courses would take attendance twice per week.
6. MSVCC Attendance Policy - Added "No Show" policy for attendance purposes.
May 2014
(Additional changes necessary for introduction of mini-terms)
1. Definitions Section - Edited the Term Offering Schedule table to include 3-week intercession terms
2. Calendar Section - Added Census Date description and definition
3. Grades Section - Added the requirement of reporting mid-term grades
4. Grades Section - Added the policy for submitting grade changes
August 2014
(Additional changes necessary for introduction of mini-terms)
1. Added 3-week terms to Drop/Add Period, Guidelines Used to Determine Agreed upon Dates for Public Calendar, and Attendance Policy
August 2015
1. Changed MSVCC assessment fee from $15 to $12 which was approved at the MACJC meeting in June 2015.
2. Proctored Exam Section - Added virtual proctoring and changed computer standards.
3. Library Agreement Section - Removed this section completely along with the associated appendices since library lending no longer takes place due to the abundance of electronic resources.
4. Learning Resource Section - This new section was added which includes MELO and Online Tutoring Services.
5. Bylaws Section - Changed name of Chief eLearning Officers Association (MELA) to MSVCC eLearning Association (MELA); added duties of officers; changed nomination of officers; changed order of business; and added committee list.
6. APPENDIX E: MSVCC Student Services Survey - Revised Library Resource questions as approved by the Librarians and CELOs in spring 2015.
August 2016
1. Changed eLearning Coordinator (ELC) to Chief eLearning Officer (CELO).
2. Student Policies & Procedures Section-Revised MSVCC Student Privacy password encryption to include MD-5 hashing which is utilized in the Canvas Learning Management System.
3. Bylaws Section-Revised Order of Business to include Unfinished Business.
4. Proctored Exams Section- Added information on breadcrumb within the LMS to verify student identify matches student ID.
5. Textbook Section- Revised Cost of Shipping to include statement on shipping will be fair and equitable utilizing current standard book shipping rates.
6. Learning Resources Section-Revised MELO to include Films On Demand as adopted by the MACJC July 2016. MSVCC ELEARNING ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE- Remove individual names serving on committees.
7. Appendix L-Add Syllabus Template.
8. Appendix M-Revise MSVCC Policies and Procedures Updates to Appendix M.
October 2016
1. Format of the MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual was converted from Microsoft Word to iBooks. This edition of the Manual was uploaded to the MELA Canvas Course as a Flipping Book document.
November 2016
1. The MACJC approved the October 2016 version of this manual.
August 2017
(Items 1 - 12 reflect page numbers for August 2017, Version 1)
1. Updated language of the MSVCC Criteria for State Reimbursement of Online Courses - Page 10.
2. Replaced any instance of MCCB eLearning Director with MCCB Assistant Executive Director for eLearning and Instructional Technology
3. Page 17 - Chief eLearning Officers Association (MELA) was changed to the MSVCC Administrative Committee will develop a draft Term Offerings Schedule each November to be reviewed and voted on by the MELA in January.
4. Changed CAOA to CAO Association.
5. Changed Chief eLearning Officers Association (MELA) to MSVCC eLearning Association.
6. Changed Office of eLearning to MCCB Division of eLearning and Instructional Technology
7. Changed all instances of sch to SCH
8. Throughout the document, change instances of SBCJC to MCCB as appropriate.
9. Appendix A revised - Page 58
10. Attachment A, B, and C added to Appendix A - Pages 59 - 62.
11. Number fixed on MCCB Support for the MSVCC - Pages 13 and 14.
12. Website revised on Evaluations section III, B - Page 27.
13. Format converted from iBooks to Word document in order to make the P & P printable and include a printable Table of Contents. (Note: iBooks Author is designed to create iBooks formatted eBooks only, not printable books.)
14. MSVCC Honesty Policy numbering corrected (corrected VI) - Page 25.
15. Chapter 4, Section 1 MELA Bylaws, Article III: Removed the words "Duties of the officers" and changed bullet points to numbers. Also changed CeLO to CELO - Pages 35 and 36.
16. Chapter 4, Section 3, Article V: Revised numbering - Pages 40 and 41.
17. Appendix B MSVCC Grade Change Form Formatting Revised - Page 48.
18. Appendix E, I, Number 5 Age Groups revised to show age group segments -Page 52.
19. Appendix E, III, changed instructions from "Please respond to questions 1, 2, 3, and 4" to "Please respond to questions 1 - 5" - Page 54.
20. Bullet points, numbering, and other formatting issues changed throughout manual to make more consistent.
21. Added 3 weeks to mini-term definition on page 11 under MSVCC Calendar Definitions.
22. Deleted NBC Learn and Thomson/Gale Opposing Viewpoints from Learning Resources section on page 34.
23. Page 27 under Verification of Student Identity and Testing Integrity, removed the sentence "Within each LMS, a breadcrumb is established listing the student's name so the proctor can match the student's name in the LMS to the photo ID."
24. References of SCH changed to sch where needed.
September 2017
1. Director of Training and Professional Development page 8 changed to Director of Instructional Design and Development and responsibilities revised.
2. Ch. 1, Section 2 under MCCB Support for the MSVCC added Technical Specialist responsibilities and Instructional Design and Development Specialist responsibilities.
3. Ch. 3, Section 3 under Minimum/Maximum Number of Exams removed information about hard-copy tests: "uploaded file if a hard-copy test is to be given, information on returning the hard-copy test such as fax number/mailing address" page 30.
4. Ch. 3, Section 3 under Minimum/Maximum Number of Exams put the number 4 in parenthesis.
5. Ch. 3, Section 2 MSVCC Attendance Policy page 27 added a sentence to include information about the attendance repository.
6. Blank pages intentionally left throughout the document for the purpose of creating a printable document that also was also visually appealing in Flipping Book. This was done to ensure chapters began on a new page.
7. Ch. 3, Section 2 MSVCC Student Privacy page 27, sentence about password encryption revised.
8. Images added, Notes section added, and additional formatting changes made.
March 2018
1. An extensive overhaul and re-design of the MSVCC Policies and Procedure Manual after revisions to the MSVCC Funding Formula were approved.
2. CELOs were provided a Google document to list recommended revisions. This document can be found at the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RgIg9r-aVPpob_8WInZ61qncaIDGqe4bNZcokAih31U/edit?usp=sharing
3. Process for approving these changes included:
a. Review and approval of the MELA
b. Review and approval by the MACJC
c. Review and approval by the MCCB
April 2018
1. MSVCC Student Surveys-Request made to move history to back of document. In 2002, the MSVCC IE Committee reviewed all institution surveys and completed a MSVCC Student Services Survey and a Student Course Evaluation Survey for implementation on April 1, 2002. These survey instruments were revised by the eLearning Association Quality Sub- Committee in August of 2011 (APPENDIX G: MSVCC Student Course Evaluation and APPENDIX H: MSVCC Student Services Survey), and have been incorporated into the MSVCC enrollment database so that review of student responses of all courses can be undertaken as a method of evaluation of both hosted and provided courses offered by consortium members.
Miss. Code. tit. 9, pt. 8, app 9-8-O