Miss. Code. tit. 9, pt. 8, app 9-8-J
1. How many previous online courses have you completed?
a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. Three or more
2. Classification
a. Freshman
b. Sophomore
c. Dual Enrolled
d. Non-degree seeking
3. Ethnicity
a. Nonresident alien
b. Black, Non-Hispanic
c. American Indian or Alaskan Native
d. Asian or Pacific
e. Islander
f. Hispanic
g. White, non-Hispanic
h. Prefer not to respond
4. Gender
a. Female
b. Male
c. Prefer not to respond
5. Age Group (Select box for Age Groups)
a. 16 - 17
b. 18 - 24
c. 25 - 29
d. 30 - 39
e. 40 - 49
f. 50 - 59
g. 60
6. Marital Status
a. Single
b. Married
c. Divorced/Separated
d. Widow/Widower
e. Prefer not to respond
7. Curriculum/Major
a. Academic (University Parallel)
b. Technical
c. Career/Vocational
8. What is your primary reason for taking an online course?
a. Transportation Issues
b. Class was unavailable or a traditional section was not open
c. Online classes fit my job/work hours better
d. Family/Home (including childcare)
e. Recommendation by my advisor
f. Recommendation by a friend
g. I wanted to try taking classes this way
h. Online experience was positive
i. Easy alternative to regular classes
j. Other
9. If online courses were not available, would you have enrolled in regular classroom courses?
a. Definitely would have taken a regular class
b. Probably would have taken a regular class
c. Probably would not have taken a regular class
d. Definitely would not have taken a regular class
10. Based on your experience so far, how do you feel the quality of online instruction compares with traditional classroom instruction?
a. Online instruction is better
b. Instructional quality is about the same
c. Traditional classroom instruction is better
11. Based on your experience so far, how do you feel the integrity of online instruction compares with traditional courses you have taken?
a. Online instruction integrity is better
b. Integrity is about the same
c. Traditional classroom integrity is better
Student Services
Please respond using the following scale:
Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | Not Applicable |
1. General information regarding the college was accessible or was provided to me.
2. Registration for online courses was easy and adequately supported.
3. Information regarding college policies and procedures was made available to me.
4. Program and course advisement services were made available to assist me in course selection and placement.
5. Please rate your satisfaction with communication with the following student service offices. (If you do not utilize a service, please select Not Applicable.)
a. Admissions/Records
b. Counseling/Advising
c. Financial Aid
d. Business Services
e. Housing
f. Recruiting
g. Bookstore
h. eLearning/Distance Learning
6. The college provided adequate access to textbook services and course materials.
7. The college provides adequate access to financial aid services.
8. Information regarding campus activities was accessible.
9. What suggestions do you have for improving Student Services? (COMMENT BOX)
Library Resources/Services
Please respond to questions 1 - 5 using the following scale: 1 - Yes, 0 - No.
1. The course(s) that I am currently taking require(s) library resources/research. If your answer is no, please skip questions 2 - 8 of this section and proceed to section IV. Technology.
2. For my online course assignments, I needed resources, books, and magazines which were NOT available online.
3. If I needed resources, books, and magazines which were NOT available online, an alternate method for obtaining the resources was available.
4. Instructions for using library resources were provided in the following ways (Select all that apply):
a. Online through the MELO website
b. Online through my college
c. Handouts
d. Librarians
e. Faculty Instruction
f. Instructions for using library resources were adequate and effective.
5. Check the following electronic resources that you have used (select all that apply):
a. MELO (MS Electronic Libraries Online)
c. College library website
6. During the semester, I used library resources in the following ways (select all that apply):
a. Accessed my college's library website
b. Talked in person to someone
c. Used Ask a Librarian 24/7 Live Chat service d.
d. Called on the phone
e. Accessed through my Canvas course
7. What suggestions do you have for improving Library Resources/Services?
Please respond using the following scale:
4 - Strongly Agree, 3 - Agree, 2 - Disagree, 1 - Strongly Disagree, 0 - Not Applicable
1. I understood that this course would be conducted completely online.
2. Prior to enrolling in an online course, I was made aware that I must have access to a reliable computer with consistent internet connectivity.
3. I was appropriately prepared with the technical skills needed to be successful in an online course.
4. Canvas functioned properly with minimal problems.
5. The software used in my course(s) functioned properly and was adequately supported. Please include the name(s) of the software application(s) you used.
6. Technical support was adequate.
7. Please list any areas where technical support was inadequate. Please be detailed and include specific names, offices, or resources you used for support. Comments:
Please list any additional comments or suggestions.
Miss. Code. tit. 9, pt. 8, app 9-8-J