Terms not defined in this Section shall have the same meaning as in the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act [ 5 ILCS 430 ]. The following definitions are applicable for purposes of this Part:
"Act" means the Data Security on State Computers Act [20 ILCS 450].
"Agency" or "DoIT" means the Department of Innovation and Technology.
"Designated Contact" means the State employee appointed by an agency, board or commission to serve as the entity's cybersecurity-training liaison with DoIT and shall monitor and support that entity's compliance with the cybersecurity training requirements of this Part.
"Employee" means:
any person employed full-time, part-time, or pursuant to a contract and whose employment duties are subject to the direction and control of an employer with regard to the material details of how the work is to be performed;
any appointed or elected commissioner, trustee, director, or board member of a board of a State agency, including any retirement system or investment board subject to the Illinois Pension Code [ 40 ILCS 5 ]; or
any other appointee [ 5 ILCS 430/1-5 ];
but does not include an employee of the legislative branch, the judicial branch, a public university of the State, or a constitutional officer other than the Governor. (Section 25(a) of the Act).
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 80, § 4000.105