Section 10-4-56 - Island and program plans (tier 2)(a) Island plans. Island plans shall be prepared for islands where there are over one hundred acres of Hawaiian home lands. If the landholdings are less than one hundred acres, the department may initiate a tier 3 plan. At a minimum, island plans shall: (1) Apply the criteria from the general plan to identify suitable homestead lands, including areas for new development, infill, and redevelopment;(2) Apply criteria to determine available lands not required for homesteading, including areas for revenue generation, community use, and other non-homesteading uses designated in the general plan;(3) Prioritize the development or redevelopment of designated homestead lands based on defined criteria;(4) Identify infrastructure requirements; and(5) Analyze state and county plans to identify potential impact on department land use and infrastructure.(b) Program plans. Program plans are statewide plans that inform or carry out general plan policies and priorities for specific functional areas, such as but not limited to affordable housing, native Hawaiian development, energy, disaster preparedness, community resiliency, agriculture, and water resources. Program plans may be specified in the general plan or initiated by the chairman. To initiate a program plan, the chairman shall propose the subject matter of the plan to the commission, and upon a majority vote in favor, proceed with the preparation of the plan.[Eff and comp 8/25/2018] (Auth: HHC Act §222) (Imp: HHC Act, all)