(2)Deductions for Lodging. An employer may deduct from the basic minimum wage of an employee a sum per week as set forth in 454 CMR 27.05(2)(a) through (c) for lodging that is safe and sanitary, and meets the standards for housing established by 105 CMR 410.000: Minimum Standards of Fitness for Human Habitation (State Sanitary Code, Chapter II), including heat, potable water, and light. If an employee is paid less than the basic minimum wage for hours worked in a week in accordance with a waiver under M.G.L. c. 151, § 7 or 9, a deduction for lodging is not permitted. A deduction for lodging is not permitted unless the employee voluntarily accepts and actually uses the room. Deductions for lodging shall not be made by the employer unless the employer has given the employee prior written notice describing the lodging, setting forth the amount to be charged to the employee for the lodging, and providing notice that the employee's acceptance of the lodging is voluntary, and the employee has provided voluntary written acceptance of the lodging and deductions.
Deductions for lodging shall not exceed the following rates.
(a) A sum not exceeding $35.00 per week for a room occupied by one person.(b) A sum not exceeding $30.00 per week for a room occupied by two persons.(c) A sum not exceeding $25.00 per week for a room occupied by three or more persons.(3)Deductions for Meals. An employer may deduct from the basic minimum wage of an employee the cost of meals, but not to exceed the amount per day set forth in 454 CMR 27.05(3). If an employee is paid less than the basic minimum wage for hours worked in a week in accordance with a waiver under M.G.L. c. 151, § 7 or 9, a deduction for meals is not permitted. A deduction for meals is not permitted unless the employee voluntarily accepts and actually receives the meal. Deductions for meals shall not be made by the employer unless the employer has given the employee prior written notice describing the meal plan, setting forth the amount to be charged to the employee for the meals, and providing notice that the employee's acceptance of the meals is voluntary, and the employee has provided voluntary written acceptance of the meals and deductions.
The maximum deduction for meals per day shall be as follows: Breakfast, $1.50, Lunch, $2.25; Dinner, $2.25.
(a) A deduction for one meal may be made from the wages of an employee working three hours or more.(b) A deduction for two meals may be made from the wages of an employee whose work entirely covers two meal periods, or eight hours of work.(c) A deduction for three meals may be made from the wages of an employee if lodging is provided, or if special permission is granted by the Director.