As used in 110 CMR 7.303, the term guardianship, means guardianship of a minor.
The guardianships need not occur at the same time for the sibling to be Title IV-E eligible.
Comment: As long as the children are placed in the same kinship guardianship arrangement and one of the siblings is Title IV-E eligible for a guardianship subsidy, the other sibling(s) will be Title IV-E eligible, even if the sibling who is Title IV-E eligible has their guardianship finalized after the non-Title IV-E eligible sibling. The Non-Title IV-E sibling becomes eligible once the Title IV-E eligible sibling's guardianship is finalized and the guardianship agreement is modified.
In both subsidy programs, the Department will provide the guardian(s) with a guardianship subsidy agreement describing the subsidy program for which the child is eligible, the type of assistance and, if applicable, amount of assistance, and the circumstances under which the guardianship subsidy may be increased, decreased or terminated, the verification requirements, the additional services and assistance which the child or guardian may be eligible for and the process for applying and the circumstances under which the Department will pay for nonrecurring expenses associated with obtaining the guardianship. If the child is eligible for a Title IV-E guardianship subsidy the agreement will remain in effect regardless of the state residence of the kin guardian. The Department will inform the guardian(s) in writing that the guardianship subsidy agreement must be signed and returned to the Department prior to finalization of the child's guardianship and before the subsidy may be initiated.
110 CMR, § 7.303