Section 1412.1 - Applicability, changes in law, interest, application, and contract provisions(a) This part specifies how base acres and farm program payment yields are established or adjusted for the purpose of calculating payments for agriculture risk coverage (ARC) and price loss coverage (PLC) for covered commodities: Wheat, oats, and barley (including wheat, oats, and barley used for haying and grazing); corn; grain sorghum; long grain rice; medium grain rice; seed cotton; pulse crops; soybeans; other oilseeds; and peanuts. This part specifies how and when producers on a farm may make an election and enroll on a farm to obtain either ARC or PLC (and if ARC, whether to receive ARC payments based on county coverage applicable on a covered commodity-by-commodity basis; or individual coverage applicable to all the covered commodities on a farm).(b) Payments otherwise provided for in this part are subject to changes made by law in rates, conditions, and eligibility notwithstanding any contract under this part. However, any such modification may, as determined by FSA, allow producers the opportunity to withdraw their ARC or PLC contract.(c) If any refund is due to FSA under this part, interest will be due from the date of the FSA disbursement except as determined by FSA. The provisions of this section will apply notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other part. In order to receive payment under this part a participant is required to comply with the regulations in this part and any additional requirements imposed by the ARC or PLC contract.(d) For ARC and PLC, assistance under this part will be provided for producers satisfying all requirements of this part who have a share of eligible base acres of the covered commodity. The sum of the base acres on a farm are based on the farm's constitution according to part 718 of this title. FSA farm records and PLC yields are based on the administrative county of the farm. ARC-CO assistance under this part will be determined by FSA for the enrolled covered commodity base acres based on the physical location of covered commodity base acres on a farm weighted and summarized to the farm. 79 FR 46339 , Aug. 8, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 40656 , Aug. 16, 2018; 84 FR 45887 , Sept. 3, 2019