10 C.F.R. § 71 app A to Part 71

Current through November 30, 2024
Appendix A to Part 71 - Determination of A[1] and A[2]

I. Values of A1 and A2 for individual radionuclides, which are the bases for many activity limits elsewhere in these regulations, are given in Table A-1. The curie (Ci) values specified are obtained by converting from the Terabecquerel (TBq) value. The Terabecquerel values are the regulatory standard. The curie values are for information only and are not intended to be the regulatory standard. Where values of A1 and A2 are unlimited, it is for radiation control purposes only. For nuclear criticality safety, some materials are subject to controls placed on fissile material.


a. For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but which are not listed in Table A-1, the A1 and A2 values contained in Table A-3 may be used. Otherwise, the licensee shall obtain prior Commission approval of the A1 and A2 values for radionuclides not listed in Table A-1, before shipping the material.

b. For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but which are not listed in Table A-2, the exempt material activity concentration and exempt consignment activity values contained in Table A-3 may be used. Otherwise, the licensee shall obtain prior Commission approval of the exempt material activity concentration and exempt consignment activity values for radionuclides not listed in Table A-2, before shipping the material.

c. The licensee shall submit requests for prior approval, described under paragraphs II.a. and II.b. of this Appendix, to the Commission, in accordance with § 71.1 of this part.

III. In the calculations of A1 and A2 for a radionuclide not in Table A-1, a single radioactive decay chain, in which radionuclides are present in their naturally occurring proportions, and in which no daughter radionuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days, or longer than that of the parent radionuclide, shall be considered as a single radionuclide, and the activity to be taken into account, and the A1 and A2 value to be applied, shall be those corresponding to the parent radionuclide of that chain. In the case of radioactive decay chains in which any daughter radionuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days, or greater than that of the parent radionuclide, the parent and those daughter radionuclides shall be considered as mixtures of different radionuclides.

IV. For mixtures of radionuclides whose identities and respective activities are known, the following conditions apply:

a. For special form radioactive material, the maximum quantity transported in a Type A package is as follows:

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where B(i) is the activity of radionuclide i in special form, and A1(i) is the A1 value for radionuclide i.

b. For normal form radioactive material, the maximum quantity transported in a Type A package is as follows:

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where B(i) is the activity of radionuclide i in normal form, and A2(i) is the A2 value for radionuclide i.

c. If the package contains both special and normal form radioactive material, the activity that may be transported in a Type A package is as follows:

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where B(i) is the activity of radionuclide i as special form radioactive material, A1(i) is the A1 value for radionuclide i, C(j) is the activity of radionuclide j as normal form radioactive material, and A2(j) is the A2 value for radionuclide j.

d. Alternatively, the A1 value for mixtures of special form material may be determined as follows:

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where f(i) is the fraction of activity for radionuclide i in the mixture and A1(i) is the appropriate A1 value for radionuclide i.

e. Alternatively, the A2 value for mixtures of normal form material may be determined as follows:

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where f(i) is the fraction of activity for radionuclide i in the mixture and A2(i) is the appropriate A2 value for radionuclide i.

f. The exempt activity concentration for mixtures of nuclides may be determined as follows:

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where f(i) is the fraction of activity concentration of radionuclide i in the mixture and [A](i) is the activity concentration for exempt material containing radionuclide i.

g. The activity limit for an exempt consignment for mixtures of radionuclides may be determined as follows:

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where f(i) is the fraction of activity of radionuclide i in the mixture and A(i) is the activity limit for exempt consignments for radionuclide i.


a. When the identity of each radionuclide is known, but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known, the radionuclides may be grouped, and the lowest A1 or A2 value, as appropriate, for the radionuclides in each group may be used in applying the formulas in paragraph IV. Groups may be based on the total alpha activity and the total beta/gamma activity when these are known, using the lowest A1 or A2 values for the alpha emitters and beta/gamma emitters.

b. When the identity of each radionuclide is known but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known, the radionuclides may be grouped and the lowest [A] (activity concentration for exempt material) or A (activity limit for exempt consignment) value, as appropriate, for the radionuclides in each group may be used in applying the formulas in paragraph IV of this appendix. Groups may be based on the total alpha activity and the total beta/gamma activity when these are known, using the lowest [A] or A values for the alpha emitters and beta/gamma emitters, respectively.

Table A-1-A1 and A2 Values For Radionuclides

Symbol of
Element and
atomic number
A1 (TBq)A1 (Ci)bA2 (TBq)A2 (Ci)bSpecific activity
Ac-225 (a)Actinium (89)8.0 * 10-12.2 * 1016.0 * 10-31.6 * 10-12.1 * 1035.8 * 104
Ac-227 (a)9.0 * 10-12.4 * 1019.0 * 10-52.4 * 10-32.77.2 * 101
Ac-2286.0 * 10-11.6 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1018.4 * 1042.2 * 106
Ag-105Silver (47)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 104
Ag-108m (a)7.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1019.7 * 10-12.6 * 101
Ag-110m (a)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.8 * 1024.7 * 103
Ag-1112.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1015.8 * 1031.6 * 105
Al-26Aluminum (13)1.0 * 10-12.71.0 * 10-12.77.0 * 10-41.9 * 10-2
Am-241Americium (95)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-21.3 * 10-13.4
Am-242m (a)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-23.6 * 10-11.0 * 101
Am-243 (a)5.01.4 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-27.4 * 10-32.0 * 10-1
Ar-37Argon (18)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.7 * 1039.9 * 104
Ar-394.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 1015.4 * 1021.33.4 * 101
Ar-413.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.5 * 1064.2 * 107
As-72Arsenic (33)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.16.2 * 1041.7 * 106
As-734.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1038.2 * 1022.2 * 104
As-741.02.7 * 1019.0 * 10-12.4 * 1013.7 * 1039.9 * 104
As-763.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.15.8 * 1041.6 * 106
As-772.0 * 1015.4 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1013.9 * 1041.0 * 106
At-211 (a)Astatine (85)2.0 * 1015.4 * 1025.0 * 10-11.4 * 1017.6 * 1042.1 * 106
Au-193Gold (79)7.01.9 * 1022.05.4 * 1013.4 * 1049.2 * 105
Au-1941.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.5 * 1044.1 * 105
Au-1951.0 * 1012.7 * 1026.01.6 * 1021.4 * 1023.7 * 103
Au-1981.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1019.0 * 1032.4 * 105
Au-1991.0 * 1012.7 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1017.7 * 1032.1 * 105
Ba-131 (a)Barium (56)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1013.1 * 1038.4 * 104
Ba-1333.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1019.42.6 * 102
Ba-133m2.0 * 1015.4 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.2 * 1046.1 * 105
Ba-140 (a)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1013.0 * 10-18.12.7 * 1037.3 * 104
Be-7Beryllium (4)2.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 1015.4 * 1021.3 * 1043.5 * 105
Be-104.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10-11.6 * 1018.3 * 10-42.2 * 10-2
Bi-205Bismuth (83)7.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1011.5 * 1034.2 * 104
Bi-2063.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.13.8 * 1031.0 * 105
Bi-2077.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1011.95.2 * 101
Bi-2101.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1014.6 * 1031.2 * 105
Bi-210m (a)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-12.1 * 10-55.7 * 10-4
Bi-212 (a)7.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1015.4 * 1051.5 * 107
Bk-247Berkelium (97)8.02.2 * 1028.0 * 10-42.2 * 10-23.8 * 10-21.0
Bk-249 (a)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 10-18.16.1 * 1011.6 * 103
Br-76Bromine (35)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1019.4 * 1042.5 * 106
Br-773.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1012.6 * 1047.1 * 105
Br-824.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 1041.1 * 106
C-11Carbon (6)1.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.1 * 1078.4 * 108
C-144.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.08.1 * 1011.6 * 10-14.5
Ca-41Calcium (20)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited3.1 * 10-38.5 * 10-2
Ca-454.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.02.7 * 1016.6 * 1021.8 * 104
Ca-47 (a)3.08.1 * 1013.0 * 10-18.12.3 * 1046.1 * 105
Cd-109Cadmium (48)3.0 * 1018.1 * 1022.05.4 * 1019.6 * 1012.6 * 103
Cd-113m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1035.0 * 10-11.4 * 1018.32.2 * 102
Cd-115 (a)3.08.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.9 * 1045.1 * 105
Cd-115m5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1019.4 * 1022.5 * 104
Ce-139Cerium (58)7.01.9 * 1022.05.4 * 1012.5 * 1026.8 * 103
Ce-1412.0 * 1015.4 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.1 * 1032.8 * 104
Ce-1439.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.5 * 1046.6 * 105
Ce-144 (a)2.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.41.2 * 1023.2 * 103
Cf-248Californium (98)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10-31.6 * 10-15.8 * 1011.6 * 103
Cf-2493.08.1 * 1018.0 * 10-42.2 * 10-21.5 * 10-14.1
Cf-2502.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 10-35.4 * 10-24.01.1 * 102
Cf-2517.01.9 * 1027.0 * 10-41.9 * 10-25.9 * 10-21.6
Cf-2521.0 * 10-12.73.0 * 10-38.1 * 10-22.0 * 1015.4 * 102
Cf-253 (a)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 10-21.11.1 * 1032.9 * 104
Cf-2541.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-21.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-23.1 * 1028.5 * 103
Cl-36Chlorine (17)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.2 * 10-33.3 * 10-2
Cl-382.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.44.9 * 1061.3 * 108
Cm-240Curium (96)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-17.5 * 1022.0 * 104
Cm-2412.05.4 * 1011.02.7 * 1016.1 * 1021.7 * 104
Cm-2424.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.0 * 10-22.7 * 10-11.2 * 1023.3 * 103
Cm-2439.02.4 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-21.9 * 10-35.2 * 101
Cm-2442.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 10-35.4 * 10-23.08.1 * 101
Cm-2459.02.4 * 1029.0 * 10-42.4 * 10-26.4 * 10-31.7 * 10-1
Cm-2469.02.4 * 1029.0 * 10-42.4 * 10-21.1 * 10-23.1 * 10-1
Cm-247 (a)3.08.1 * 1011.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-23.4 * 10-69.3 * 10-5
Cm-2482.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-13.0 * 10-48.1 * 10-31.6 * 10-44.2 * 10-3
Co-55Cobalt (27)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1011.1 * 1053.1 * 106
Co-563.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.1 * 1033.0 * 104
Co-571.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1023.1 * 1028.4 * 103
Co-581.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.2 * 1033.2 * 104
Co-58m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.2 * 1055.9 * 106
Co-604.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.2 * 1011.1 * 103
Cr-51Chromium (24)3.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.4 * 1039.2 * 104
Cs-129Cesium (55)4.01.1 * 1024.01.1 * 1022.8 * 1047.6 * 105
Cs-1313.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.8 * 1031.0 * 105
Cs-1321.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1015.7 * 1031.5 * 105
Cs-1347.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1014.8 * 1011.3 * 103
Cs-134m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.0 * 1058.0 * 106
Cs-1354.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.02.7 * 1014.3 * 10-51.2 * 10-3
Cs-1365.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1012.7 * 1037.3 * 104
Cs-137 (a)2.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.28.7 * 101
Cu-64Copper (29)6.01.6 * 1021.02.7 * 1011.4 * 1053.9 * 106
Cu-671.0 * 1012.7 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1012.8 * 1047.6 * 105
Dy-159Dysprosium (66)2.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.1 * 1025.7 * 103
Dy-1659.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.0 * 1058.2 * 106
Dy-166 (a)9.0 * 10-12.4 * 1013.0 * 10-18.18.6 * 1032.3 * 105
Er-169Erbium (68)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.02.7 * 1013.1 * 1038.3 * 104
Er-1718.0 * 10-12.2 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1019.0 * 1042.4 * 106
Eu-147Europium (63)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1011.4 * 1033.7 * 104
Eu-1485.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1016.0 * 1021.6 * 104
Eu-1492.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 1015.4 * 1023.5 * 1029.4 * 103
Eu-150 (short lived)2.05.4 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.1 * 1041.6 * 106
Eu-150 (long lived)7.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.1 * 1041.6 * 106
Eu-1521.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1016.51.8 * 102
Eu-152m8.0 * 10-12.2 * 1018.0 * 10-12.2 * 1018.2 * 1042.2 * 106
Eu-1549.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1019.82.6 * 102
Eu-1552.0 * 1015.4 * 1023.08.1 * 1011.8 * 1014.9 * 102
Eu-1567.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1012.0 * 1035.5 * 104
F-18Fluorine (9)1.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.5 * 1069.5 * 107
Fe-52 (a)Iron (26)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.12.7 * 1057.3 * 106
Fe-554.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1038.8 * 1012.4 * 103
Fe-599.0 * 10-12.4 * 1019.0 * 10-12.4 * 1011.8 * 1035.0 * 104
Fe-60 (a)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-15.47.4 * 10-42.0 * 10-2
Ga-67Gallium (31)7.01.9 * 1023.08.1 * 1012.2 * 1046.0 * 105
Ga-685.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1011.5 * 1064.1 * 107
Ga-724.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.1 * 1053.1 * 106
Gd-146 (a)Gadolinium (64)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1016.9 * 1021.9 * 104
Gd-1482.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 10-35.4 * 10-21.23.2 * 101
Gd-1531.0 * 1012.7 * 1029.02.4 * 1021.3 * 1023.5 * 103
Gd-1593.08.1 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.9 * 1041.1 * 106
Ge-68 (a)Germanium (32)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1012.6 * 1027.1 * 103
Ge-714.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1035.8 * 1031.6 * 105
Ge-773.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.3 * 1053.6 * 106
Hf-172 (a)Hafnium (72)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1014.1 * 1011.1 * 103
Hf-1753.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1013.9 * 1021.1 * 104
Hf-1812.05.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1016.3 * 1021.7 * 104
Hf-182UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited8.1 * 10-62.2 * 10-4
Hg-194 (a)Mercury (80)1.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.3 * 10-13.5
Hg-195m (a)3.08.1 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1011.5 * 1044.0 * 105
Hg-1972.0 * 1015.4 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1029.2 * 1032.5 * 105
Hg-197m1.0 * 1012.7 * 1024.0 * 10-11.1 * 1012.5 * 1046.7 * 105
Hg-2035.01.4 * 1021.02.7 * 1015.1 * 1021.4 * 104
Ho-166Holmium (67)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1012.6 * 1047.0 * 105
Ho-166m6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1016.6 * 10-21.8
I-123Iodine (53)6.01.6 * 1023.08.1 * 1017.1 * 1041.9 * 106
I-1241.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1019.3 * 1032.5 * 105
I-1252.0 * 1015.4 * 1023.08.1 * 1016.4 * 1021.7 * 104
I-1262.05.4 * 1011.02.7 * 1012.9 * 1038.0 * 104
I-129UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited6.5 * 10-61.8 * 10-4
I-1313.08.1 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1014.6 * 1031.2 * 105
I-1324.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1013.8 * 1051.0 * 107
I-1337.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1014.2 * 1041.1 * 106
I-1343.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.19.9 * 1052.7 * 107
I-135 (a)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.3 * 1053.5 * 106
In-111Indium (49)3.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1011.5 * 1044.2 * 105
In-113m4.01.1 * 1022.05.4 * 1016.2 * 1051.7 * 107
In-114m (a)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1025.0 * 10-11.4 * 1018.6 * 1022.3 * 104
In-115m7.01.9 * 1021.02.7 * 1012.2 * 1056.1 * 106
Ir-189 (a)Iridium (77)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.9 * 1035.2 * 104
Ir-1907.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1012.3 * 1036.2 * 104
Ir-192c 1.0c 2.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.4 * 1029.2 * 103
Ir-1943.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.13.1 * 1048.4 * 105
K-40Potassium (19)9.0 * 10-12.4 * 1019.0 * 10-12.4 * 1012.4 * 10-76.4 * 10-6
K-422.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.42.2 * 1056.0 * 106
K-437.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.2 * 1053.3 * 106
Kr-79Krypton (36)4.01.1 * 1022.05.4 * 1014.2 * 1041.1 * 106
Kr-814.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1037.8 * 10-42.1 * 10-2
Kr-851.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.5 * 1013.9 * 102
Kr-85m8.02.2 * 1023.08.1 * 1013.0 * 1058.2 * 106
Kr-872.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.41.0 * 1062.8 * 107
La-137Lanthanum (57)3.0 * 1018.1 * 1026.01.6 * 1021.6 * 10-34.4 * 10-2
La-1404.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1012.1 * 1045.6 * 105
Lu-172Lutetium (71)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1014.2 * 1031.1 * 105
Lu-1738.02.2 * 1028.02.2 * 1025.6 * 1011.5 * 103
Lu-1749.02.4 * 1029.02.4 * 1022.3 * 1016.2 * 102
Lu-174m2.0 * 1015.4 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1022.0 * 1025.3 * 103
Lu-1773.0 * 1018.1 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1014.1 * 1031.1 * 105
Mg-28 (a)Magnesium (12)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.12.0 * 1055.4 * 106
Mn-52Manganese (25)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.6 * 1044.4 * 105
Mn-53UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited6.8 * 10-51.8 * 10-3
Mn-541.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1012.9 * 1027.7 * 103
Mn-563.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.18.0 * 1052.2 * 107
Mo-93Molybdenum (42)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 1015.4 * 1024.1 * 10-21.1
Mo-99ah1.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.8 * 1044.8 * 105
N-13Nitrogen (7)9.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1015.4 * 1071.5 * 109
Na-22Sodium (11)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1012.3 * 1026.3 * 103
Na-242.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.43.2 * 1058.7 * 106
Nb-93mNiobium (41)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 1018.1 * 1028.82.4 * 102
Nb-947.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.9 * 10-31.9 * 10-1
Nb-951.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.5 * 1033.9 * 104
Nb-979.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1019.9 * 1052.7 * 107
Nd-147Neodymium (60)6.01.6 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.0 * 1038.1 * 104
Nd-1496.0 * 10-11.6 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1014.5 * 1051.2 * 107
Ni-59Nickel (28)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited3.0 * 10-38.0 * 10-2
Ni-634.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 1018.1 * 1022.15.7 * 101
Ni-654.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1017.1 * 1051.9 * 107
Np-235Neptunium (93)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1035.2 * 1011.4 * 103
Np-236 (short-lived)2.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.05.4 * 1014.7 * 10-41.3 * 10-2
Np-236 (long-lived)9.0 * 1002.4 * 1022.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-14.7 * 10-41.3 * 10-2
Np-2372.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 10-35.4 * 10-22.6 * 10-57.1 * 10-4
Np-2397.01.9 * 1024.0 * 10-11.1 * 1018.6 * 1032.3 * 105
Os-185Osmium (76)1.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1012.8 * 1027.5 * 103
Os-1911.0 * 1012.7 * 1022.05.4 * 1011.6 * 1034.4 * 104
Os-191m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 1018.1 * 1024.6 * 1041.3 * 106
Os-1932.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.0 * 1045.3 * 105
Os-194 (a)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.1 * 1013.1 * 102
P-32Phosphorus (15)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1011.1 * 1042.9 * 105
P-334.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.02.7 * 1015.8 * 1031.6 * 105
Pa-230 (a)Protactinium (91)2.05.4 * 1017.0 * 10-21.91.2 * 1033.3 * 104
Pa-2314.01.1 * 1024.0 * 10-41.1 * 10-21.7 * 10-34.7 * 10-2
Pa-2335.01.4 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.7 * 1022.1 * 104
Pb-201Lead (82)1.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1016.2 * 1041.7 * 106
Pb-2024.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 1015.4 * 1021.2 * 10-43.4 * 10-3
Pb-2034.01.1 * 1023.08.1 * 1011.1 * 1043.0 * 105
Pb-205UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited4.5 * 10-61.2 * 10-4
Pb-210 (a)1.02.7 * 1015.0 * 10- * 101
Pb-212 (a)7.0 * 10-11.9 * 1012.0 * 10-15.45.1 * 1041.4 * 106
Pd-103 (a)Palladium (46)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.8 * 1037.5 * 104
Pd-107UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited1.9 * 10-55.1 * 10-4
Pd-1092.05.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1017.9 * 1042.1 * 106
Pm-143Promethium (61)3.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1011.3 * 1023.4 * 103
Pm-1447.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1019.2 * 1012.5 * 103
Pm-1453.0 * 1018.1 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1025.21.4 * 102
Pm-1474.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.05.4 * 1013.4 * 1019.3 * 102
Pm-148m (a)8.0 * 10-12.2 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1017.9 * 1022.1 * 104
Pm-1492.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.5 * 1044.0 * 105
Pm-1512.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.7 * 1047.3 * 105
Po-210Polonium (84)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-11.7 * 1024.5 * 103
Pr-142Praseodymium (59)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.3 * 1041.2 * 106
Pr-1433.08.1 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.5 * 1036.7 * 104
Pt-188 (a)Platinum (78)1.02.7 * 1018.0 * 10-12.2 * 1012.5 * 1036.8 * 104
Pt-1914.01.1 * 1023.08.1 * 1018.7 * 1032.4 * 105
Pt-1934.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.43.7 * 101
Pt-193m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1035.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.8 * 1031.6 * 105
Pt-195m1.0 * 1012.7 * 1025.0 * 10-11.4 * 1016.2 * 1031.7 * 105
Pt-1972.0 * 1015.4 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.2 * 1048.7 * 105
Pt-197m1.0 * 1012.7 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.7 * 1051.0 * 107
Pu-236Plutonium (94)3.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.0 * 10-38.1 * 10-22.0 * 1015.3 * 102
Pu-2372.0 * 1015.4 * 1022.0 * 1015.4 * 1024.5 * 1021.2 * 104
Pu-2381.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-26.3 * 10-11.7 * 101
Pu-2391.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-22.3 * 10-36.2 * 10-2
Pu-2401.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-28.4 * 10-32.3 * 10-1
Pu-241 (a)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10- * 102
Pu-2421.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-21.5 * 10-43.9 * 10-3
Pu-244 (a)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-26.7 * 10-71.8 * 10-5
Ra-223 (a)Radium (88)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1017.0 * 10-31.9 * 10-11.9 * 1035.1 * 104
Ra-224 (a)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1012.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-15.9 * 1031.6 * 105
Ra-225 (a)2.0 * 10-15.44.0 * 10-31.1 * 10-11.5 * 1033.9 * 104
Ra-226 (a)2.0 * 10-15.43.0 * 10-38.1 * 10-23.7 * 10-21.0
Ra-228 (a)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-11.0 * 1012.7 * 102
Rb-81Rubidium (37)2.05.4 * 1018.0 * 10-12.2 * 1013.1 * 1058.4 * 106
Rb-83 (a)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1016.8 * 1021.8 * 104
Rb-841.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.8 * 1034.7 * 104
Rb-865.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1013.0 * 1038.1 * 104
Rb-87UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited3.2 * 10-98.6 * 10-8
Rb(nat)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited6.7 * 1061.8 * 108
Re-184Rhenium (75)1.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1016.9 * 1021.9 * 104
Re-184m3.08.1 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.6 * 1024.3 * 103
Re-1862.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.9 * 1031.9 * 105
Re-187UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited1.4 * 10-93.8 * 10-8
Re-1884.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1013.6 * 1049.8 * 105
Re-189 (a)3.08.1 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.5 * 1046.8 * 105
Re(nat)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited0.02.4 * 10-8
Rh-99Rhodium (45)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1013.0 * 1038.2 * 104
Rh-1014.01.1 * 1023.08.1 * 1014.1 * 1011.1 * 103
Rh-1025.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1014.5 * 1011.2 * 103
Rh-102m2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1012.3 * 1026.2 * 103
Rh-103m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.2 * 1063.3 * 107
Rh-1051.0 * 1012.7 * 1028.0 * 10-12.2 * 1013.1 * 1048.4 * 105
Rn-222 (a)Radon (86)3.0 * 10-18.14.0 * 10-31.1 * 10-15.7 * 1031.5 * 105
Ru-97Ruthenium (44)5.01.4 * 1025.01.4 * 1021.7 * 1044.6 * 105
Ru-103 (a)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1011.2 * 1033.2 * 104
Ru-1051.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.5 * 1056.7 * 106
Ru-106 (a)2.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.41.2 * 1023.3 * 103
S-35Sulphur (16)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.08.1 * 1011.6 * 1034.3 * 104
Sb-122Antimony (51)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.5 * 1044.0 * 105
Sb-1246.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.5 * 1021.7 * 104
Sb-1252.05.4 * 1011.02.7 * 1013.9 * 1011.0 * 103
Sb-1264.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1013.1 * 1038.4 * 104
Sc-44Scandium (21)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1016.7 * 1051.8 * 107
Sc-465.0 * 10-11.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1011.3 * 1033.4 * 104
Sc-471.0 * 1012.7 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1013.1 * 1048.3 * 105
Sc-483.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.15.5 * 1041.5 * 106
Se-75Selenium (34)3.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1015.4 * 1021.5 * 104
Se-794.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.05.4 * 1012.6 * 10-37.0 * 10-2
Si-31Silicon (14)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.4 * 1063.9 * 107
Si-324.0 * 1011.1 * 1035.0 * 10-11.4 * 1013.91.1 * 102
Sm-145Samarium (62)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1029.8 * 1012.6 * 103
Sm-147UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited8.5 * 10-102.3 * 10-8
Sm-1514.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.0 * 1012.7 * 1029.7 * 10-12.6 * 101
Sm-1539.02.4 * 1026.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.6 * 1044.4 * 105
Sn-113 (a)Tin (50)4.01.1 * 1022.05.4 * 1013.7 * 1021.0 * 104
Sn-117m7.01.9 * 1024.0 * 10-11.1 * 1013.0 * 1038.2 * 104
Sn-119m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 1018.1 * 1021.4 * 1023.7 * 103
Sn-121m (a)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1039.0 * 10-12.4 * 1012.05.4 * 101
Sn-1238.0 * 10-12.2 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1013.0 * 1028.2 * 103
Sn-1254.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 1031.1 * 105
Sn-126 (a)6.0 * 10-11.6 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.0 * 10-32.8 * 10-2
Sr-82 (a)Strontium (38)2.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.42.3 * 1036.2 * 104
Sr-852.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1018.8 * 1022.4 * 104
Sr-85m5.01.4 * 1025.01.4 * 1021.2 * 1063.3 * 107
Sr-87m3.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1014.8 * 1051.3 * 107
Sr-896.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.1 * 1032.9 * 104
Sr-90 (a)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10- * 102
Sr-91 (a)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.3 * 1053.6 * 106
Sr-92 (a)1.02.7 * 1013.0 * 10-18.14.7 * 1051.3 * 107
T(H-3)Tritium (1)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.6 * 1029.7 * 103
Ta-178 (long-lived)Tantalum (73)1.02.7 * 1018.0 * 10-12.2 * 1014.2 * 1061.1 * 108
Ta-1793.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.0 * 1018.1 * 1024.1 * 1011.1 * 103
Ta-1829.0 * 10-12.4 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1012.3 * 1026.2 * 103
Tb-157Terbium (65)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1035.6 * 10-11.5 * 101
Tb-1581.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1015.6 * 10-11.5 * 101
Tb-1601.02.7 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1014.2 * 1021.1 * 104
Tc-95m (a)Technetium (43)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1018.3 * 1022.2 * 104
Tc-964.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.2 * 1043.2 * 105
Tc-96m (a)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.4 * 1063.8 * 107
Tc-97UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited5.2 * 10-51.4 * 10-3
Tc-97m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.02.7 * 1015.6 * 1021.5 * 104
Tc-988.0 * 10-12.2 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1013.2 * 10-58.7 * 10-4
Tc-994.0 * 1011.1 * 1039.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.3 * 10-41.7 * 10-2
Tc-99m1.0 * 1012.7 * 1024.01.1 * 1021.9 * 1055.3 * 106
Te-121Tellurium (52)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1012.4 * 1036.4 * 104
Te-121m5.01.4 * 1023.08.1 * 1012.6 * 1027.0 * 103
Te-123m8.02.2 * 1021.02.7 * 1013.3 * 1028.9 * 103
Te-125m2.0 * 1015.4 * 1029.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.7 * 1021.8 * 104
Te-1272.0 * 1015.4 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1019.8 * 1042.6 * 106
Te-127m (a)2.0 * 1015.4 * 1025.0 * 10-11.4 * 1013.5 * 1029.4 * 103
Te-1297.0 * 10-11.9 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1017.7 * 1052.1 * 107
Te-129m (a)8.0 * 10-12.2 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 104
Te-131m (a)7.0 * 10-11.9 * 1015.0 * 10-11.4 * 1013.0 * 1048.0 * 105
Te-132 (a)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1011.1 * 1043.0 * 105
Th-227Thorium (90)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1025.0 * 10-31.4 * 10-11.1 * 1033.1 * 104
Th-228 (a)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1011.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-23.0 * 1018.2 * 102
Th-2295.01.4 * 1025.0 * 10-41.4 * 10-27.9 * 10-32.1 * 10-1
Th-2301.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-27.6 * 10-42.1 * 10-2
Th-2314.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-12.0 * 1045.3 * 105
Th-232UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited4.0 * 10-91.1 * 10-7
Th-234 (a)3.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.18.6 * 1022.3 * 104
Th(nat)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited8.1 * 10-92.2 * 10-7
Ti-44 (a)Titanium (22)5.0 * 10-11.4 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1016.41.7 * 102
Tl-200Thallium (81)9.0 * 10-12.4 * 1019.0 * 10-12.4 * 1012.2 * 1046.0 * 105
Tl-2011.0 * 1012.7 * 1024.01.1 * 1027.9 * 1032.1 * 105
Tl-2022.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1012.0 * 1035.3 * 104
Tl-2041.0 * 1012.7 * 1027.0 * 10-11.9 * 1011.7 * 1014.6 * 102
Tm-167Thulium (69)7.01.9 * 1028.0 * 10-12.2 * 1013.1 * 1038.5 * 104
Tm-1703.08.1 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.2 * 1026.0 * 103
Tm-1714.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 103
U-230 (fast lung absorption) (a)(d)Uranium (92)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.0 * 10-12.71.0 * 1032.7 * 104
U-230 (medium lung absorption) (a)(e)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 10-31.1 * 10-11.0 * 1032.7 * 104
U-230 (slow lung absorption) (a)(f)3.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.0 * 10-38.1 * 10-21.0 * 1032.7 * 104
U-232 (fast lung absorption) (d)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1031.0 * 10-22.7 * 10-18.3 * 10-12.2 * 101
U-232 (medium lung absorption) (e)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1037.0 * 10-31.9 * 10-18.3 * 10-12.2 * 101
U-232 (slow lung absorption) (f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 1021.0 * 10-32.7 * 10-28.3 * 10-12.2 * 101
U-233 (fast lung absorption) (d)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1039.0 * 10-22.43.6 * 10-49.7 * 10-3
U-233 (medium lung absorption) (e)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-13.6 * 10-49.7 * 10-3
U-233 (slow lung absorption) (f)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10-31.6 * 10-13.6 * 10-49.7 * 10-3
U-234 (fast lung absorption) (d)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1039.0 * 10-22.42.3 * 10-46.2 * 10-3
U-234 (medium lung absorption) (e)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-12.3 * 10-46.2 * 10-3
U-234 (slow lung absorption) (f)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10-31.6 * 10-12.3 * 10-46.2 * 10-3
U-235 (all lung absorption types) (a),(d),(e),(f)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited8.0 * 10-82.2 * 10-6
U-236 (fast lung absorption) (d)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited2.4 * 10-66.5 * 10-5
U-236 (medium lung absorption) (e)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1032.0 * 10-25.4 * 10-12.4 * 10-66.5 * 10-5
U-236 (slow lung absorption) (f)4.0 * 1011.1 * 1036.0 * 10-31.6 * 10-12.4 * 10-66.5 * 10-5
U-238 (all lung absorption types) (d),(e),(f)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited1.2 * 10-83.4 * 10-7
U (nat)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited2.6 * 10-87.1 * 10-7
U (enriched to 20% or less)(g)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedSee Table A-4See Table A-4
U (dep)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedSee Table A-4See Table A-4
V-48Vanadium (23)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1016.3 * 1031.7 * 105
V-494.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.0 * 1028.1 * 103
W-178 (a)Tungsten (74)9.02.4 * 1025.01.4 * 1021.3 * 1033.4 * 104
W-1813.0 * 1018.1 * 1023.0 * 1018.1 * 1022.2 * 1026.0 * 103
W-1854.0 * 1011.1 * 1038.0 * 10-12.2 * 1013.5 * 1029.4 * 103
W-1872.05.4 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1012.6 * 1047.0 * 105
W-188 (a)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1013.0 * 10-18.13.7 * 1021.0 * 104
Xe-122 (a)Xenon (54)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.8 * 1041.3 * 106
Xe-1232.05.4 * 1017.0 * 10-11.9 * 1014.4 * 1051.2 * 107
Xe-1274.01.1 * 1022.05.4 * 1011.0 * 1032.8 * 104
Xe-131m4.0 * 1011.1 * 1034.0 * 1011.1 * 1033.1 * 1038.4 * 104
Xe-1332.0 * 1015.4 * 1021.0 * 1012.7 * 1026.9 * 1031.9 * 105
Xe-1353.08.1 * 1012.05.4 * 1019.5 * 1042.6 * 106
Y-87 (a)Yttrium (39)1.02.7 * 1011.02.7 * 1011.7 * 1044.5 * 105
Y-884.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1015.2 * 1021.4 * 104
Y-903.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.12.0 * 1045.4 * 105
Y-916.0 * 10-11.6 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1019.1 * 1022.5 * 104
Y-91m2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1011.5 * 1064.2 * 107
Y-922.0 * 10-15.42.0 * 10-15.43.6 * 1059.6 * 106
Y-933.0 * 10-18.13.0 * 10-18.11.2 * 1053.3 * 106
Yb-169Ytterbium (70)4.01.1 * 1021.02.7 * 1018.9 * 1022.4 * 104
Yb-1753.0 * 1018.1 * 1029.0 * 10-12.4 * 1016.6 * 1031.8 * 105
Zn-65Zinc (30)2.05.4 * 1012.05.4 * 1013.0 * 1028.2 * 103
Zn-693.08.1 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.8 * 1064.9 * 107
Zn-69m (a)3.08.1 * 1016.0 * 10-11.6 * 1011.2 * 1053.3 * 106
Zr-88Zirconium (40)3.08.1 * 1013.08.1 * 1016.6 * 1021.8 * 104
Zr-93UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited9.3 * 10-52.5 * 10-3
Zr-95 (a)2.05.4 * 1018.0 * 10-12.2 * 1017.9 * 1022.1 * 104
Zr-97 (a)4.0 * 10-11.1 * 1014.0 * 10-11.1 * 1017.1 * 1041.9 * 106

a A1 and/or A2 values include contributions from daughter nuclides with half-lives less than 10 days, as listed in the following:

Zr-97Nb-97m, Nb-97
Ce-144Pr-144m, Pr-144
Pb-212Bi-212, Tl-208, Po-212
Bi-212Tl-208, Po-212
Rn-222Po-218, Pb-214, At-218, Bi-214, Po-214
Ra-223Rn-219, Po-215, Pb-211, Bi-211, Po-211, Tl-207
Ra-224Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208, Po-212
Ra-225Ac-225, Fr-221, At-217, Bi-213, Tl-209, Po-213, Pb-209
Ra-226Rn-222, Po-218, Pb-214, At-218, Bi-214, Po-214
Ac-225Fr-221, At-217, Bi-213, Tl-209, Po-213, Pb-209
Th-228Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208, Po-212
Th-234Pa-234m, Pa-234
Pa-230Ac-226, Th-226, Fr-222, Ra-222, Rn-218, Po-214
U-230Th-226, Ra-222, Rn-218, Po-214
Pu-244U-240, Np-240m
Am-242mAm-242, Np-238

b The values of A1 and A2 in Curies (Ci) are approximate and for information only; the regulatory standard units are Terabecquerels (TBq) (see Appendix A to Part 71-Determination of A1 and A2, Section I).

c The activity of Ir-192 in special form may be determined from a measurement of the rate of decay or a measurement of the radiation level at a prescribed distance from the source.

d These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UF6, UO2F2 and UO2(NO3)2 in both normal and accident conditions of transport.

e These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UO3, UF4, UCl4 and hexavalent compounds in both normal and accident conditions of transport.

f These values apply to all compounds of uranium other than those specified in notes (d) and (e) of this table.

g These values apply to unirradiated uranium only.

h A2 = 0.74 TBq (20 Ci) for Mo-99 for domestic use.

Table A-2-Exempt Material Activity Concentrations and Exempt Consignment Activity Limits for Radionuclides

Symbol of
Element and atomic numberActivity concentration for exempt material
Activity concentration for exempt material
Activity limit for exempt consignment
Activity limit for exempt consignment
Ac-225Actinium (89)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Ac-2271.0 * 10-12.7 * 10-121.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Ac-2281.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ag-105Silver (47)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ag-108m (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ag-110m1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ag-1111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Al-26Aluminum (13)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Am-241Americium (95)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Am-242m (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Am-243 (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Ar-37Argon (18)1.0 * 1062.7 * 10-51.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Ar-391.0 * 1072.7 * 10-41.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Ar-411.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
As-72Arsenic (33)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
As-731.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
As-741.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
As-761.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
As-771.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
At-211Astatine (85)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Au-193Gold (79)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Au-1941.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Au-1951.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Au-1981.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Au-1991.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ba-131Barium (56)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ba-1331.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ba-133m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ba-140 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Be-7Beryllium (4)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Be-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Bi-205Bismuth (83)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Bi-2061.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Bi-2071.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Bi-2101.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Bi-210m1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Bi-212 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Bk-247Berkelium (97)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Bk-2491.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Br-76Bromine (35)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Br-771.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Br-821.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
C-11Carbon (6)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
C-141.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ca-41Calcium (20)1.0 * 1052.7 * 10-61.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ca-451.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ca-471.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cd-109Cadmium (48)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cd-113m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cd-1151.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cd-115m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ce-139Cerium (58)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ce-1411.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ce-1431.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ce-144 (b)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cf-248Californium (98)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cf-2491.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Cf-2501.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cf-2511.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Cf-2521.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cf-2531.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cf-2541.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Cl-36Chlorine (17)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cl-381.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cm-240Curium (96)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cm-2411.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cm-2421.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cm-2431.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cm-2441.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cm-2451.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Cm-2461.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Cm-2471.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cm-2481.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Co-55Cobalt (27)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Co-561.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Co-571.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Co-581.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Co-58m1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Co-601.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cr-51Chromium (24)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Cs-129Cesium (55)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cs-1311.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cs-1321.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cs-1341.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cs-134m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cs-1351.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Cs-1361.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Cs-137 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Cu-64Copper (29)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Cu-671.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Dy-159Dysprosium (66)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Dy-1651.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Dy-1661.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Er-169Erbium (68)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Er-1711.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-147Europium (63)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-1481.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-1491.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Eu-150 (short lived)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-150 (long lived)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-1521.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-152m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-1541.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Eu-1551.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Eu-1561.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
F-18Fluorine (9)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Fe-52Iron (26)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Fe-551.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Fe-591.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Fe-601.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ga-67Gallium (31)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ga-681.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ga-721.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Gd-146Gadolinium (64)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Gd-1481.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Gd-1531.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Gd-1591.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ge-68Germanium (32)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ge-711.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Ge-771.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Hf-172Hafnium (72)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hf-1751.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hf-1811.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hf-1821.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hg-194Mercury (80)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hg-195m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hg-1971.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Hg-197m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Hg-2031.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ho-166Holmium (67)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ho-166m1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
I-123Iodine (53)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
I-1241.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
I-1251.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
I-1261.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
I-1291.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
I-1311.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
I-1321.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
I-1331.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
I-1341.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
I-1351.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
In-111Indium (49)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
In-113m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
In-114m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
In-115m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ir-189Iridium (77)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ir-1901.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ir-1921.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Ir-1941.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
K-40Potassium (19)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
K-421.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
K-431.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Kr-79Krypton (36)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Kr-811.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Kr-851.0 * 1052.7 * 10-61.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Kr-85m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 10102.7 * 10-1
Kr-871.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
La-137Lanthanum (57)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
La-1401.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Lu-172Lutetium (71)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Lu-1731.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Lu-1741.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Lu-174m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Lu-1771.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Mg-28Magnesium (12)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Mn-52Manganese (25)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Mn-531.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Mn-541.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Mn-561.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Mo-93Molybdenum (42)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Mo-991.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
N-13Nitrogen (7)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Na-22Sodium (11)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Na-241.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Nb-93mNiobium (41)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Nb-941.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Nb-951.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Nb-971.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Nd-147Neodymium (60)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Nd-1491.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ni-59Nickel (28)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Ni-631.0 * 1052.7 * 10-61.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Ni-651.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Np-235Neptunium (93)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Np-236 (short-lived)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Np-236 (long-lived)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Np-237 (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Np-2391.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Os-185Osmium (76)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Os-1911.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Os-191m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Os-1931.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Os-1941.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
P-32Phosphorus (15)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
P-331.0 * 1052.7 * 10-61.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Pa-230Protactinium (91)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pa-2311.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Pa-2331.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pb-201Lead (82)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pb-2021.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pb-2031.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pb-2051.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pb-210 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Pb-212 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Pd-103Palladium (46)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Pd-1071.0 * 1052.7 * 10-61.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Pd-1091.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pm-143Promethium (61)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pm-1441.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pm-1451.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pm-1471.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pm-148m1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pm-1491.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pm-1511.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Po-210Polonium (84)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Pr-142Praseodymium (59)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Pr-1431.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pt-188Platinum (78)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pt-1911.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pt-1931.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pt-193m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pt-195m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pt-1971.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pt-197m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Pu-236Plutonium (94)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Pu-2371.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Pu-2381.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Pu-2391.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Pu-2401.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Pu-2411.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Pu-2421.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Pu-2441.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Ra-223 (b)Radium (88)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ra-224 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ra-2251.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Ra-226 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Ra-228 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Rb-81Rubidium (37)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Rb-831.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Rb-841.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Rb-861.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Rb-871.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Rb(nat)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Re-184Rhenium (75)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Re-184m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Re-1861.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Re-1871.0 * 1062.7 * 10-51.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Re-1881.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Re-1891.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Re(nat)1.0 * 1062.7 * 10-51.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Rh-99Rhodium (45)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Rh-1011.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Rh-1021.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Rh-102m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Rh-103m1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Rh-1051.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Rn-222 (b)Radon (86)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Ru-97Ruthenium (44)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ru-1031.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ru-1051.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ru-106 (b)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
S-35Sulphur (16)1.0 * 1052.7 * 10-61.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Sb-122Antimony (51)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Sb-1241.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sb-1251.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sb-1261.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Sc-44Scandium (21)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Sc-461.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sc-471.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sc-481.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Se-75Selenium (34)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Se-791.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Si-31Silicon (14)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Si-321.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sm-145Samarium (62)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Sm-1471.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Sm-1511.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Sm-1531.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sn-113Tin (50)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Sn-117m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sn-119m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Sn-121m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Sn-1231.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sn-1251.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Sn-1261.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Sr-82Strontium (38)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Sr-851.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sr-85m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Sr-87m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sr-891.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Sr-90 (b)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Sr-911.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Sr-921.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
T(H-3)Tritium (1)1.0 * 1062.7 * 10-51.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Ta-178 (long-lived)Tantalum (73)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Ta-1791.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Ta-1821.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Tb-157Terbium (65)1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Tb-1581.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tb-1601.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tc-95mTechnetium (43)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tc-961.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tc-96m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Tc-971.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
Tc-97m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Tc-981.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tc-991.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Tc-99m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Te-121Tellurium (52)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Te-121m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Te-123m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Te-125m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Te-1271.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Te-127m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Te-1291.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Te-129m1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Te-131m1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Te-1321.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Th-227Thorium (90)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Th-228 (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Th-229 (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Th-2301.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Th-2311.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Th-2321.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Th-234 (b)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Th (nat) (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Ti-44Titanium (22)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Tl-200Thallium (81)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tl-2011.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tl-2021.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tl-2041.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Tm-167Thulium (69)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tm-1701.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Tm-1711.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1082.7 * 10-3
U-230 (fast lung absorption) (b),(d)Uranium (92)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
U-230 (medium lung absorption) (e)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-230 (slow lung absorption) (f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-232 (fast lung absorption) (b),(d)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
U-232 (medium lung absorption) (e)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-232 (slow lung absorption) (f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-233 (fast lung absorption) (d)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-233 (medium lung absorption) (e)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
U-233 (slow lung absorption) (f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
U-234 (fast lung absorption) (d)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-234 (medium lung absorption) (e)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
U-234 (slow lung absorption) (f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
U-235 (all lung absorption types) (b),(d),(e),(f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-236 (fast lung absorption) (d)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-236 (medium lung absorption) (e)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
U-236 (slow lung absorption) (f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U-238 (all lung absorption types) (b),(d),(e),(f)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
U (nat) (b)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
U (enriched to 20% or less)(g)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
U (dep)1.02.7 * 10-111.0 * 1032.7 * 10-8
V-48Vanadium (23)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
V-491.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
W-178Tungsten (74)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
W-1811.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
W-1851.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
W-1871.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
W-1881.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Xe-122Xenon (54)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Xe-1231.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1092.7 * 10-2
Xe-1271.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Xe-131m1.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Xe-1331.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Xe-1351.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 10102.7 * 10-1
Y-87Yttrium (39)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Y-881.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Y-901.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Y-911.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Y-91m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Y-921.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Y-931.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6
Yb-169Ytterbium (70)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Yb-1751.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Zn-65Zinc (30)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Zn-691.0 * 1042.7 * 10-71.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Zn-69m1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Zr-88Zirconium (40)1.0 * 1022.7 * 10-91.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Zr-93 (b)1.0 * 1032.7 * 10-81.0 * 1072.7 * 10-4
Zr-951.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1062.7 * 10-5
Zr-97 (b)1.0 * 1012.7 * 10-101.0 * 1052.7 * 10-6

a [Reserved]

b Parent nuclides and their progeny included in secular equilibrium are listed as follows:

Bi-212Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64)
Pb-210Bi-210, Po-210
Pb-212Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64)
Rn-222Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214, Po-214
Ra-223Rn-219, Po-215, Pb-211, Bi-211, Tl-207
Ra-224Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64)
Ra-226Rn-222, Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214, Po-214, Pb-210, Bi-210, Po-210
Th-228Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212(0.64)
Th-229Ra-225, Ac-225, Fr-221, At-217, Bi-213, Po-213, Pb-209
Th-natRa-228, Ac-228, Th-228, Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64)
U-230Th-226, Ra-222, Rn-218, Po-214
U-232Th-228, Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64)
U-238Th-234, Pa-234m
U-natTh-234, Pa-234m, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Rn-222, Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214, Po-214, Pb-210, Bi-210, Po-210

c [Reserved]

d These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UF6, UO2F2 and UO2(NO3)2 in both normal and accident conditions of transport.

e These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UO3, UF4, UCl4 and hexavalent compounds in both normal and accident conditions of transport.

f These values apply to all compounds of uranium other than those specified in notes (d) and (e) of this table.

g These values apply to unirradiated uranium only.

Table A-3-General Values for A1 and A2

ContentsA1A2Activity concentration for exempt material
Activity concentration for exempt material
Activity limits for exempt consignments
Activity limits for exempt consignments
Only beta or gamma emitting radionuclides are known to be present1 * 10-12.7 * 1002 * 10-25.4 * 10-11 * 1012.7 * 10-101 * 1042.7 * 10-7
Alpha emitting nuclides, but no neutron emitters, are known to be present (a)2 * 10-15.4 * 1009 * 10-52.4 * 10-31 * 10-12.7 * 10-121 * 1032.7 * 10-8
Neutron emitting nuclides are known to be present or no relevant data are available1 * 10-32.7 * 10-29 * 10-52.4 * 10-31 * 10-12.7 * 10-121 * 1032.7 * 10-8

a If beta or gamma emitting nuclides are known to be present, the A1 value of 0.1 TBq (2.7 Ci) should be used.

Table A-4-Activity-mass Relationships for Uranium

Uranium Enrichment1 wt % U-235 presentSpecific Activity
TBq/g Ci/g
0.451.8 * 10-85.0 * 10-7
0.722.6 * 10-87.1 * 10-7
12.8 * 10-87.6 * 10-7
1.53.7 * 10-81.0 * 10-6
51.0 * 10-72.7 * 10-6
101.8 * 10-74.8 * 10-6
203.7 * 10-71.0 * 10-5
357.4 * 10-72.0 * 10-5
509.3 * 10-72.5 * 10-5
902.2 * 10-65.8 * 10-5
932.6 * 10-67.0 * 10-5
953.4 * 10-69.1 * 10-5

1 The figures for uranium include representative values for the activity of the uranium-234 that is concentrated during the enrichment process.

10 C.F.R. 71 app A to Part 71

69 FR 3800 , Jan. 26, 2004; 69 FR 58039 , Sept. 29, 2004, as amended at 77 FR 39908 , July 6, 2012; 80 FR 34014 , June 12, 2015; 85 FR 65663 , Oct. 16, 2020
85 FR 65664 , 11/16/2020