NO. CIV. S-94-671 LKK/GGH.
May 6, 2008
Pursuant to the court's August 18, 2005 Order of Reference, the Special Master has submitted for payment a bill for services provided during the month of April 2008. Good cause appearing, it is ORDERED that:
1. The Clerk is directed to pay to:
Chase Riveland
Valdivia Special Master
5714 Deer Harbor Road, Box 367
Deer Harbor, WA 98243
the amount of $35,276.91, in accordance with the attached statement; and
2. A copy of this order shall be served on the financial department of this court.
The Special Master hereby submits his statement for fees and disbursements for the period of April 1 through April 30, 2008.$13,586.23 $ 15,425.45 $ 6,265.23 $ 35,276.91
Chase Riveland, Special Master Services $ 12,810.00 Disbursements $ 776.23 Total amount due Virginia Morrison, Deputy Special Master Services $ 14,939.00 Disbursements $ 486.45 Total amount due Nancy Campbell, Deputy Special Master Services $ 5,508.00 Disbursements $ 757.23 Total amount due TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REIMBURSED Receipts for justification of reported expenditures are available upon request.Respectfully submitted,
Chase Riveland
/s/ Chase Riveland VALDIVIA Valdivia
Chase Riveland May 1, 2008 Special Master OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL MASTER TO: Ms. Susan Peterson, Financial Administrator /S/ Chase Riveland FROM: Chase Riveland, Special Master, Date: May 1, 2008 RE: Reimbursement for fees and disbursements expended during the period ending April 30, 2008. Please send the check to the following individual for the amount indicated.$ For: Chase Riveland Tax #: 390-40-6490 Fees for April 2008 Date Activity Time/Hour th th $ 1,170.00 $ 12,810.00 Expenses for April 2008 Date Activity Amount 13.00 $ 12,810.00 + $ 776.23 = $ Collaboration Specialists Services rendered by Virginia Morrison Tax #: 51-0433003 Fees for April 2008 Date Activity Time/Hours Comito $ 14,939 Disbursements/Expenses for April 2008 Date Activity Amount $ 486.45 Total Fees and Expenses: $15,425.45 For: Nancy Campbell Tax #: 060-40-9849 Fees for April 2008 Date Activity Time/Hours 4.45 $ 990.00 Total Fees _______________________________________________________________ $5508.00 Disbursements/Expenses for April 2008 Date Activity Amount 17 17@ Total Expenses 757.23 Total Fees and Expenses: $6265.23 Chase Riveland Valdivia Special Master 5714 Deer Harbor Road Box 367 Deer Harbor, WA 98243 Amount to be reimbursed: 4/1/08 Telephone: Campbell; correspondence: Morrison, Campbell, Baldwin .7 4/2/08 Review materials: Wilkinson, Devencenzi, Baldwin, Harrison, Morrison .8 4/3/08 Review materials: Devencenzi, Morrison, Carvo, Campbell 1.2 4/4/08 Review materials: ICDTP, MIO Plan; Telephone conference: Defendants, Morrison; review correspondence: Morris, Devencenzi, Morrison, Campbell 2.9 4/5/08 Preparation for 2 meet and confers w/both parties 4.6 4/6/08 Travel: Deer Harbor to Sacramento 6.5* 4/7/08 Meet w/Campbell; meet w/all parties, telephone: Morrison, Campbell, correspondence: Whitney, Campbell, Morrison 8.5 4/8/08 Meet w/Morrison, meet w/all parties; meet w/Judge Karlton; correspondence: Berger 7.8 4/9/08 Meet w/Currier, Jett; correpondence: Court documents 1.6 4/10/08 Travel: Sacramento to Deer Harbor 6.5* 4/11/08 Correspondence: Devencenzi, Morrison, Boyd 1.1 4/12/08 Telephone: Morrison; review DVI tour report 1.5 4/14/08 Review correspondence and documents: Devencenzi, Morrison, Campbell, Wilkinson, Baldwin 2.9 4/15/08 Review correspondence and documents: Baldwin, Devencenzi, Morrison, Rice .8 4/16/08 Telephone: Campbell, Morrison; review correspondence: Christian, Morrison, Campbell, Galvin 1.6 4/18/08 Review draft long-term memo re: MIO 1.1 4/19/08 Review correspondence: Morrison, Campbell, Galvin .6 4/20/08 Review Plaintiff, Defendant and CalPAP response to SM draft 4 Report 2.2 4/21/08 Telephone conference w/Campbell, Morrison; conference call: Plaintiffs and Morrison 3.5 4/22/08 Review correspondence: Morrison, Campbell, Johnson-Silk .3 4/23/08 Review correspondence: Campbell, Morrison, Whitney, Galvin, work on final 4 term SM report 1.9 4/24/08 Telephone: Morrison, Morrison and Defendants; review materials: Defendant monitoring tour of SRCJ, correspondence: Galvin, Devencenzi, Morrison, Campbell 3.8 4/25/08 Review Defendant MIO Plan; correspondence: Devencenzi, Morrison, Galvin 1.4 4/26/08 Review and compare two parties "compliance plans" for EID .9 4/27/08 Correspondence: All parties; telephone: Morrison .5 4/28/08 Complete SM Report and submit; correspondence: Morrison, Campbell, Devencenzi, Galvin, 3.7 4/29/08 Review correspondence: CalPAP statistics for March; Galvin, Devencenzi, Campbell, Morrison .9 4/30/08 Review Plaintiff response re: Interim MIO plan; correspondence: Devencenzi, Campbell, Morrison, Galvin 1.6 58.2 hrs. × $200 = $ 11,640.00 * 13.0 hrs. × $ 90 = * Denotes travel time @ $90/hour 4/6/08 Airfare: Roundtrip Deer harbor to Lake Union/Seattle 216.00 4/6/08 Shuttle to airport 10.00 4/6/08 Airfare: Roundtrip: Seattle/Sacramento and return 322.00 4/6/08 Lunch and dinner 39.99 4/6/08 Night parking 18.00 4/7/08 Breakfast (Riveland and Campbell), lunch (Riveland and Campbell) Dinner (Riveland) 74.98 4/7/08 Day parking 13.00 4/7/08 Night parking 18.00 4/8/08 Three meals 51.26 4/8/08 Day parking 776.23 Fees and Expenses: 04/01/08 Telephone conference w/N. Campbell re: training and matrix; email 3.9 communication and review documents re: mentally ill parolees, policies, and remedial sanctions; draft methodology 04/02/08 Telephone conferences and email communication w/C. Riveland, 1.4 defendants, a colleague re: mentally ill parolees 04/03/08 Email communication w/defendants and CalPAP 0.2 04/04/08 Monthly update telephone conference w/C. Riveland and defendants; 2.8 meeting w/plaintiffs re: mentally ill parolees; review defendants' materials re: mentally ill parolees 04/04/08 Travel between Kentfield and San Francisco for meetings 1.8* 04/05/08 Email communication w/OSM team and defendants re: OSM and 0.25 Compliance reports 04/06/08 Telephone conference w/N. Campbell 0.2 04/07/08 RSTS analysis; review draft policies and procedures for mentally ill 4.1 parolees; email communication w/all parties re: OSM report; telephone conferences w/C. Riveland and N. Campbell re: remedial sanctions and OSM report 04/08/08 Conference w/C. Riveland; participate in all-parties meeting re: 6.25 mentally ill parolees 04/08/08 Travel between Kentfield and Sacramento 3.2* 04/09/08 Telephone conference w/defendants, colleague, and plaintiffs re: 1.5 mentally ill parolees; analyze material re: same; email communication w/all parties re: same and data 04/10/08 Conference w/defendants re: procedure for mentally ill parolees 2.3 04/10/08 Travel between Kentfield and Sacramento 3.2* 04/11/08 Email communication w/parties re: mentally ill parolees 1.0 04/12/08 Telephone conference and email communication w/C. Riveland 0.25 04/14/08 Email communication w/parties 0.2 04/15/08 Review email communication w/parties re: monitoring and mentally ill 0.3 parolees; telephone conference w/defendants re: mentally ill parolees 04/16/08 Telephone conferences and email communication w/C. Riveland and 0.8 defendants re: mentally ill parolees and RSTS changes 04/17/08 Review and comment on draft policies re: mentally ill; telephone 3.6 conference w/defendants re: same 04/18/08 Travel between Kentfield and Oakland 1.7* 04/18/08 Observe DC training; review objections to OSM4 report and make 5.1 notes for discussion and revision 04/19/08 Telephone conference w/C. Riveland re: OSM report, mentally ill 5.6 parolees and staffing; review objections to OSM4 report and make notes for discussion and revision; revise report 04/21/08 Review objections to OSM4 report; telephone conferences w/OSM 4.9 team, plaintiffs, and CalPAP re: same; 04/22/08 Telephone conferences w/N. Campbell re: OSM4 report; email 0.6 communication and telephone conferences w/parties re: various issues 04/23/08 Revise OSM4 report 2.25 04/24/08 Travel between Kentfield and Sacramento 3.2* 04/24/08 Meet w/defendants re: OSM4 report comments; attend RSTS training 6.5 04/25/08 Travel between Kentfield and San Francisco 2.0* 04/25/08 Revise OSM4 report; meet w/plaintiffs re: OSM4 report comments; 4.3 review appellate filings 04/27/08 Telephone conferences and email communication w/C. Riveland; 3.0 revise OSM4 report 04/28/08 Revise OSM4 report; email communication w/parties and Special 5.4 Master re: mentally ill parolees and OSM4 report 04/29/08 Review parties' documents re: procedures for the mentally ill and re: 0.5 EID; email communication re: same 04/30/08 Review procedures for the mentally ill 0.7 Total ................................................................................ 67.9 × $200/hour = $13,580 15.1 × $ 90/hour = $ 1,359 * denotes travel time at lower rate 04/04/08 Mileage and tolls between Kentfield and San Francisco for meetings (42 26.21 miles @ 50.5 cents per mile) 04/04/08 Parking for San Francisco meetings 20.00 04/08/08 Mileage and tolls between Kentfield and Sacramento for meetings (176 92.88 miles @ 50.5 cents per mile) 04/08/08 Parking for Sacramento meetings 13.00 04/08/08 Meal during Sacramento meetings 3.30 04/10/08 Mileage and tolls between Kentfield and Sacramento for meetings (176 92.88 miles @ 50.5 cents per mile) 04/18/08 Parking for Oakland training 9.00 04/18/08 Mileage and tolls between Kentfield and Oakland for training (46 miles @ 27.23 50.5 cents per mile) 04/24/08 Mileage and tolls between Kentfield and Sacramento for meetings and 92.88 training (176 miles @ 50.5 cents per mile) 04/04/08 Mileage and tolls between Kentfield and San Francisco for meetings (42 26.21 miles @ 50.5 cents per mile) 04/04/08 Parking for San Francisco meetings 21.00 04/30/08 Conference calls (4/4, 4/16, 4/17, 4/21(3)) 61.86 Total ......................................................................... 4/1/08 Call Morrison .25 4/2/08 Call with defendants re: meet and confer .50 4/3/08 Prepare meet and confer agenda, review 2.45 ICDTP policies and plaintiff response 4/5/08 Review Plaintiff's proposed monitoring criteria and 1.10 Defendant's response, revise meet/confer agenda 4/6/08 Travel to Sacramento 6.0* 4/7/08 Data Meeting with defendants; Meet and Confer, 7.25 Calls Morrison and Riveland 4/7/08 Travel from Sacramento 5.0* 4/8/08 Meet and Confer Summary; review Strike team and 1.10 Hoover Commission reports 4/16/08 Call Morrision, e-mails re: ICDTP monitoring, DC Training, 4/17/08 Call Riveland, calls with parties re:ICDTP tour short 2.45 And longer term resolution of monitoring questions 4/20/08 Review Plaintiff and Defendant OSM report responses 1.80 4/21/08 OSM Team conference call; e-mails re: Meet and Confer 3.0 4/22/08 Calls Nura Mazvani, Dan Stone, report revisions, meet and Confer e-mails 4/23/08 Revisions OSM Report .75 25.10 × $180/hour = $4518.00 11.00 × $ 90/hour = * denotes travel time at lower rate 4/6/08 POV: Bainbridge Island to SeaTac: @50.5/mi 8.59 4/6/08 Ferry 11.55 4/6/08 Airfare 416.00 4/6/08 Meals 12.73 4/6/08 Hotel, Meal and Hotel Parking 156.14 4/7/08 Meeting Parking 13.00 4/7/08 Rental Car 74.33 4/7/08 Meals 13.77 4/7/08 Airport Parking 30.98 4/7/08 Ferry 11.55 4/7/08 POV: SeaTac to Home: 50.5/mi 8.59