NO. CIV. S-94-671 LKK/GGH.
February 1, 2010
Pursuant to the court's August 18, 2005 Order of Reference, the Special Master has submitted for payment a bill for services provided during the month of January, 2010. Good cause appearing, it is ORDERED that:
1. The Clerk is directed to pay to:
Chase Riveland
Valdivia Special Master
5714 Deer Harbor Road, Box 367
Deer Harbor, WA 98243
the amount of $47,574.14 in accordance with the attached statement; and
2. A copy of this order shall be served on the financial department of this court.
IT IS SO ORDERED. $ 13,483.89 $ 18,425.96 $ 15,664.29 $ 47,574.14 VALDIVIA Valdivia Valdivia $47,574.14 For: Chase Riveland Tax #: 390-40-6490 Fees for January 2010 2.1 $ 11,640 Expenses for January 2010 7.26 Fees and expenses: $ 13,483.89 For: Nancy Campbell Tax #: 060-40-9849 Fees for January 2010 Date Activity Time/Hours Total Disbursements/Expenses for January 2010 Date Activity Amount Total Expenses 2001.39 Total Fees and Expenses: $15,664.29 Collaboration Specialists Services rendered by Virginia Morrison Tax #: 51-0433003 Fees for January 2010 Date Activity Time/Hours Comito Comito Comito; th Comito Comito Comito, Comito; Disbursements/Expenses for January 2010 Date Activity Amount $ 449.46 Total Fees and Expenses: $18,425.96
The Special Master hereby submits his statement for fees and disbursements for the period of January 1 through January 31, 2010. Chase Riveland, Special Master Services $11,640.00 Disbursements $ 1,879.89 Total amount due Virginia Morrison, Deputy Special Master Services $17,976.50 Disbursements $ 449.46 Total amount due Nancy Campbell, Deputy Special Master Services $13,662.90 Disbursements $ 2,001.39 Total amount due TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REIMBURSED Receipts for justification of reported expenditures are available upon request. Respectfully submitted, Chase Riveland /s/ Chase Riveland February 1, 2010 Special Master OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL MASTER TO: Ms. Susan Peterson, Financial Administrator /s/ Chase Riveland FROM: Chase Riveland, Special Master, Date: February 1, 2010 RE: Reimbursement for fees and disbursements expended during the period ending January 31, 2010. Please send the check to the following individual for the amount indicated. Chase Riveland Special Master 5714 Deer Harbor Road Box 367 Deer Harbor, WA 98243 Amount to be reimbursed: 1/4/10 Review correspondence/materials: Campbell, Morrison, Macias-Price, Ambrocelli, Hoffman, Hoshino; review ICDTP Listings online 1.9 1/5/10 Telephone: conference call w/Defendants; telephone: Morrison; review correspondence: Xiong, Campbell, Morrison 1.3 1/6/10 Review correspondence/materials: Campbell, Morrison, .2 1/7/10 Review correspondence/materials: Prewitt, Morrison, Dolin, Xiong, Christian, Campbell; review Plaintiff rev extension Report, document production list; telephone: Morrison 1.2 1/8/10 Review correspondence/materials: CalPAP Comito and other objection reports .8 1/10/10 Correspondence: Morrison, Bien .2 1/11/10 Appellate court: Comito and Prop 9; correspondence: Tebrock, Baldwin, Riley; Morrison 2.9 1/11/10 Travel to Court and meetings 1.1* 1/13/10 Correspondence: Morrison, Campbell, Xiong; review ICDTP memo from Defendants; telephone Morrison .9 1/15/10 Correspondence: Campbell, Ambroselli, Morrison; telephone: Campell and Morrison 1.4 1/18/10 Travel: Deer Harbor to Pleasanton 8.5 * 1/18/10 Correspondence: Morrison; meet w/ Campbell 1.1 1/19/10 Travel: Pleasanton to Hayward and return 1.0 * 1/19/10 Combined tour: Hayward Parole office; meet w/ Morrison and Campbell; correspondence: Morrison, Baldwin, Xiong, Harrison 10.6 1/20/10 Combined tour at Santa Rita jail; meet w/ Campbell and Morrison; correspondence: meet w/ Campbell and Morrison 9.5 1/20/10 Travel to site .5 * 1/21/10 Travel to site .5 * 1/21/10 combined tour at Santa Rita jail; correspondence 8.0 1/21/10 Travel Santa Rita to Oakland to Seattle 5.5 * 1/22/10 Travel Seattle to Deer Harbor 2.5 * 1/22/10 Review: Defendants audit tools, worksheets etc.; correspondence: Walszac, Xiong, Baldwin, Tebrock, Morrison, Campbell; Review Christian tour report for Imperial County 1.8 1/23/10 Correspondence: Morrison, Macias-Price, Sullivan .3 1/25/10 Correspondence: Morrison, Rimmer, Baldwin, Xion, Lindquist, Huey; review individual due process problems; Telephone: Campbell 1.8 1/26/10 Telephone: Tebrock, Morrison; correspondence: Tebrock, Morrison, Campbell, Xiong, Prewitt; review CalPAP statistics for December 2.2 1/27/10 Correspondence: Morrison Campbell, Tebrock, Boyd, Russa .4 1/28/10 Correspondence: Morrison, Campbell, Xiong, Riley, Boyd, Tebrock .6 1/30/10 Correspondence: Morrison Baldwin; review notes from Santa Rita; review Plaintiff individual due process problems; review RTCA issues 49.2 * 19.6 hrs @ $90/hr. = $1,764 and 49.2 hrs. @ $200/hr. = $9,840 = * Denotes travel time @ $90/hr. 1/18/10 Roundtrip airfare: Deer Harbor Seattle and return 218.00 1/18/10 Roundtrip airfare: Seattle to Oakland and return 420.00 1/18/10 Lunch, dinner Riveland and Campbell 69.98 1/19/10 Breakfast (Riveland and Campbell), Lunch (Riveland and Campbell), dinner (Riveland, Campbell, and Morrison) 148.79 1/20/10 Breakfast (Riveland and Campbell), lunch (Riveland and Campbell), dinner (Morrison, Riveland and Campbell) 156.99 1/21/09 Breakfast, (Riveland and Campbell), lunch, dinner (Riveland and Campbell) 43.99 1/21/10 Hotel: 3 nights 434.66 1/21/10 Rental Car: 3 ½ days 198.76 1/22/10 Hotel: 1 Night 146.96 1/22/10 Taxi: Seatac to Boeing field 34.50 1/22/10 breakfast $1,879.89 $11,640 + $1,879.89 = 1/3/10 Correspondence re: ICDTP transfers 2.50 And Riveland; review of follow-up OSM report issues; review ICDTP placement proposal 1/4/10 Call Defendants about OSM report elements; 1.25 Correspondence Defendants about ICDTP Placement process; Comito Review process 1/5/10 Monthly Call; RJD Call; correspondence Defendants; 2.50 Call Morrison; review monitoring reports 1/8/10 Calls Defendants, Plaintiffs and Morrison re: monitoring 4.33 Plans; review RJD monitoring tour materials 1/11/10 Review SRCJ Monitoring data 3.25 1/12/10 Travel to San Diego 5.75* 1/13/10 Travel to RJD .80* 1/13/10 RJD Monitoring tour 7.50 1/13/10 Travel to hotel from RJD .70* 1/14/10 Travel to RJD .75* 1/14/10 RJD Monitoring 7.50 1/14/10 Travel to Tacoma 6.75* 1/15/10 Review SRCJ Monitoring reports; Call Riveland 3.50 Morrison 1/16/10 Follow-up RJD .70 1/18/10 Travel to Oakland (SRCJ tour) 7.00* 1/19/10 Travel to Hayward Parole Unit .50* 1/19/10 Onsite Hayward Parole Unit; Team Meeting 7.00 1/19/10 Travel From Parole Unit to Hotel .50* 1/20/10 Travel to SRCJ .25* 1/20/10 Onsite SRCJ; Team Meeting 7.00 1/20/10 Travel from SRCJ to Hotel .25* 1/21/10 Onsite SRCJ 8.00 1/21/10 Travel from SRCJ to Tacoma 5.00* 1/25/10 Call Ambroselli; Tebrock; Riveland 1.00 1/30/10 Correspondence, Notes from Tours 4.00 1/31/10 Tour Notes 2.00 ............................................................................ 62.03 62.03 × $180/hour = $11,165.40 * 27.75 × $90/hour = $2,497.50 * Denotes travel time rate 1/12/10 Travel via POV to SeaTac Airport 26mi@ .50mi 13.00 1/12/10 RT Airfare to San Diego 321.40 1/12/10 Meals 2.81 1/13/10 Meals 23.74 1/14/10 Meals 14.54 1/14/10 Hotel and Parking 428.88 1/14/09 Rental Car 278.28 1/14/10 Airport Parking 57.32 1/14/10 Travel via POV Home from Airport 26mi@ .50mi 13.00 1/18/10 Travel via POV Home from Airport 26mi@ .50mi 13.00 1/18/10 RT Airfare to Oakland 328.40 1/18/10 Meals 3.51 1/18-21/10 Hotel 421.14 1/21/10 Airport Parking 69.37 1/2/110 Travel via POV to SeaTac Airport 26mi@ .50mi 13.00 1/3/10 Review email communication 0.1 1/4/10 Telephone conference w/defendants re: mentally ill; review and analyze 0.7 documents; review and respond to email communication 1/5/10 Travel between Sacramento and San Anselmo [divided between two 1.1* matters, less time spent on substantive matters] 1/5/10 Telephone and in-person conferences w/defendants re: monthly 2.6 update and BPH plans; telephone conference w/N. Campbell; review and analyze data; email communication w/CalPAP re: data 1/7/10 Telephone conferences and email communication w/OSM and 1.5 defendants re: LACJ, and mentally ill parolees; review documents 1/8/10 Review and analyze documents 2.5 1/9/10 Email communication regarding monitoring and revocation extension; 3.75 review and analyze documents concerning 1/10/10 Email communication regarding policies and review and analyze 1.3 documents concerning timeliness 1/11/10 Round-trip travel between San Anselmo and San Francisco 2.0* 1/11/10 Observe 9 Circuit proceedings on Prop 9 and 3.0 1/12/10 Telephone conference w/N. Campbell re: monitoring 0.2 1/13/10 Review and analyze documents regarding timeliness; email 8.25 communication w/CalPAP; telephone conference w/N. Campbell re: monitoring 1/15/10 Telephone conference and email communication w/OSM team; 1.4 telephone conference w/CalPAP re: 1/18/10 Review documents in preparation for SRCJ visit; email communication 4.2 re: SRCJ, monitoring, and rev extension 1/19/10 Travel from San Anselmo to Dublin 1.7* 1/19/10 Participate in focus DRU monitoring; review and analyze documents 9.0 for next day's monitoring; conference w/OSM team 1/20/10 Participate in focus DRU monitoring; conference w/N. Campbell 8.75 1/21/10 Participate in focus DRU monitoring; review documents and email 8.1 communication 1/21/10 Travel from Dublin to San Anselmo 1.8* 1/22/10 Review and analyze documents; review email communication 2.7 1/23/10 Review and respond to email communication 0.25 1/25/10 Review and respond to email communication; research questions for 0.5 OSM report 1/26/10 Telephone conferences w/defendants, C. Riveland and CalPAP; review 6.6 email communication re: remedial sanctions, Stark, review and analyze documents and monitoring reports 1/27/10 Review and respond to email communication; draft OSM report 3.3 sections 1/28/10 Review and respond to email communication; review and analyze 9.5 documents 1/29/10 Review materials in preparation for CIM visit; review and respond to 6.6 email communication; review and analyze documents concerning revocation extension and mentally ill parolees 1/31/10 Review SRCJ site notes 0.2 1/31/10 Travel from San Anselmo to Chino for site visits 4.25* Total .................................................................................. 85.0X $200/hour = $17,000 10.85 × $90/hour = $ 976.50 $ 17,976.50 * denotes travel time at lower rate 1/5/10 Mileage and tolls for round-trip travel between San Anselmo and 56.25 Sacramento (190 miles @ 55 cents per mile) [divided between two matters] 1/5/10 Parking for Sacramento meetings 8.00 1/5/10 Meal during Sacramento meetings [divided between two matters] 8.95 1/11/10 Parking at Ninth Circuit 9.00 1/11/10 Mileage and tolls between San Anselmo and San Francisco (42 miles at 50 26.00 cents per mile) 1/19- Mileage and tolls between San Anselmo and San Francisco (113 miles at 60.50 1/21/10 50 cents per mile) 1/21/10 Hotel during RCCC visit 280.76 Total ............................................................................