No. CR. S-06-055 MCE.
February 24, 2006
X Hannah Simone Reed Glenn County Jail X X 18 U.S.C. § 1708 Appearance is necessary forthwith in the Eastern District of California. /s/ Matthew C. Stegman Matthew C. Stegman (916) 554-2793 United States of America
The undersigned attorney hereby applies to the Court for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus () Ad Prosequendum () Ad Testificandum. Name of Detainee: Detained at (custodian): Detainee is: a.) () charged in this district by: () Indictment () Information () Complaint Charging Detainee With: or b.) () a witness not otherwise available by ordinary process of the Court Detainee will: a.) () return to the custody of detaining facility upon termination of proceedings or b.) () be retained in federal custody until final disposition of federal charges, as a sentence is currently being served at the detaining facility Signature: Printed Name Phone No: Attorney of Record for:WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS
( X) Ad Prosequendum () Ad TestificandumThe above application is granted and the above-named custodian, as well as the United States Marshal's Service for this district, is hereby ORDERED to produce the named detainee, FORTHWITH and any further proceedings to be had in this cause, and at the conclusion of said proceedings to return said detainee to the above-named custodian.
Please provide the following, if known: AKA(s) (if applicable): Male Female X Booking or CDC #: W95649 DOB: 1976 Facility Address: 141 S. Lassen Race: White Willows, CA 95988 FBI #: 261037AB1 Facility Phone: (530) 934-6428 Currently Incarcerated For: PC 148(a), PC 475(a) PC 498(d) (State Warrants)