Case Number: 1:10CR01394-001JB, USM Number: 96575-180.
July 7, 2011
Defense Attorney: David Plotsky, Appointed.
[X] admitted guilt to violations of condition(s) of the term of supervision. [] was found in violation of condition(s) after denial of guilt. The defendant is adjudicated guilty of these violations: Violation Nature of Violation Violation Ended Number 1 MC — The defendant unlawfully possessed a controlled substance and failed 02/02/2011 to refrain from the unlawful use of a controlled substance. The defendant also failed to submit to one drug test within 15 days of release from imprisonment and at least two periodic drug tests thereafter as determined by the court. The defendant is sentenced as provided in pages 1 through 6 of this judgment. The sentence is imposed pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. [] The defendant has not violated condition(s) and is discharged as to such violation(s). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant must notify the United States attorney for this district within 30 days of any change of name, residence, or mailing address until all fines, restitution, costs, and special assessments imposed by this judgment are fully paid. If ordered to pay restitution, the defendant must notify the court and United States attorney of material changes in economic circumstances. 0790 June 14, 2011 1982 /s/ James O. Browning Honorable James O. Browning Albuquerque, NM United States District Judge July 7, 2011 _____________________________________________ _____________________ Last Four Digits of Defendant's Soc. Sec. No. Date of Imposition of Judgment _____________________________________________ _____________ Defendant's Year of Birth Signature of Judge _________________________________ _______ City and State of Defendant's Residence Name and Title of Judge _______________________ Date SignedADDITIONAL VIOLATIONS
Violation Nature of Violation Violation Ended Number 2 SC — The defendant failed to submit to evaluation for substance abuse or 01/24/2011 dependency treatment as directed or deemed necessary by the probation officer. The defendant also failed to participate in a program approved by the probation officer for treatment of narcotic addiction, drug or alcohol dependency which may include testing to determine if the defendant has reverted to the use of drugs or alcohol. The defendant my also be required to contribute to the cost of the services rendered in an amount determined by the probation officer, based upon the defendant's ability to pay.IMPRISONMENT
The defendant is hereby committed to the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons to be imprisoned for a total term of 126 days with credit for time served.Although advisory, the Court has considered the Guidelines and, in arriving at its sentence, has taken account of the Guidelines with other sentencing goals. Specifically, the Court has considered the Guidelines' sentencing range established for the applicable category of offense committed by the applicable category of Defendant. The Court believes that the Guidelines' punishment is appropriate for this sort of offense. Therefore, the sentence in this judgment is consistent with a guideline sentence. The Court has considered the kind of sentence and range established by the Guidelines. The Court believes that a sentence of 126 days reflects the seriousness of the offense, promotes respect for the law, provides just punishment, affords adequate deterrence, protects the public and effectively provides the Defendant with needed education or vocational training and medical care, and otherwise fully reflects each of the factors embodied in 18 U.S.C. Section 3553(a). The Court also believes the sentence is reasonable. The Court believes the sentence is sufficient, but not greater than necessary, to comply with the purposes set forth in the Sentencing Reform Act.
[] The court makes these recommendations to the Bureau of Prisons: [X] The defendant is remanded to the custody of the United States Marshal. [] The defendant shall surrender to the United States Marshal for this district: [] at on [] as notified by the United States Marshal. [] The defendant shall surrender for service of sentence at the institution designated by the Bureau of Prisons: [] before 2 p.m. on [] as notified by the United States Marshal [] as notified by the Probation or Pretrial Services Office.RETURN
I have executed this judgment as follows:Defendant delivered on ___________________________________________________ to ________________________________ at ______________________________ with a certified copy of this judgment.By
__________________________________________ UNITED STATES MARSHAL _________________________________________ DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHALSUPERVISED RELEASE
Upon release from imprisonment, the defendant shall be on supervised release for a term of 18 months.The defendant shall report to the probation office in the district to which the defendant is released within 72 hours of release from the custody of the Bureau of Prisons.
The defendant shall not commit another federal, state, or local crime.
The defendant shall not unlawfully possess a controlled substance.
The defendant shall refrain from any unlawful use of a controlled substance.
The defendant shall submit to one drug test within 15 days of release from imprisonment and at least two periodic drug tests thereafter, as determined by the court.
[] The above drug testing condition is suspended, based on the court's determination that the defendant poses a low risk of future substance abuse. (Check, if applicable.) [X] The defendant shall not possess a firearm, ammunition, destructive device, or any other dangerous weapon. (Check, if applicable). [X] The defendant shall cooperate in the collection of DNA as directed by the probation officer. (Check, if applicable). [] The defendant shall register with the state, local, tribal and/or other appropriate sex offender registration agency in the state where the defendant resides, works, or is a student, as directed by the probation officer. (Check, if applicable.) [] The defendant shall participate in an approved program for domestic violence. (Check, if applicable) If this judgment imposes a fine or a restitution, it is to be a condition of supervised release that the defendant pay in accordance with Criminal Monetary Penalties sheet of this judgment.The defendant shall comply with the standard conditions that have been adopted by this court as well as with any additional conditions on the attached page.