01 Crim. 0258 (LAK)
February 28, 2002
The Court has reviewed part of the transcript of yesterday's proceedings. According to its own notes and recollection, there are at least the following errors:
1. Page 968, line 9, should read "1, on the theory that the violation of Section 10(b) was an object".
2. At least part of the remarks attributed to the Court at pages 954, line 16, through page 955, line 23, were made by Mr. Shechtman, not the Court.
The parties shall show cause, on or before March 4, 2002, why the correction indicated in paragraph 1 should not be made in the record. In addition, the parties shall review the transcript of the proceedings for February 27, determine if either believes that any corrections should be made, resolve any issues between them, and submit any disputes to the Court for resolution no later than March 8, 2002.