Docket No. 2:98CR00171-011.
September 16, 2005
On December 8, 2000, the above-named was placed on supervised release for a period of 3 years, which commenced on August 22, 2003. Special conditions included a requirement for warrantless search, financial disclosure, and financial restrictions.
Manuel Galdamez has complied with all conditions and special conditions of supervised release, and has not been involved in any further criminal activities. It is the opinion of the probation officer supervising Challberg in the Central District of California that Manuel Galdamez has derived maximum benefit from supervision and is not in need of continued supervision. RECOMMENDATION:
It is, therefore, respectfully recommended that supervised release in this case be terminated early.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ karen a. meusling Karen A. Meusling Supervising United States Probation Officer
cc: AUSA Samantha Spangler (Pursuant to Rule 32, notice of proposed relief to the supervisee is being provided. If no objection is received from you within 14 days, the probation officer's Recommendation and Prob35-Order Terminating Supervised Release Prior to Expiration Date, will be submitted to the Court for approval.)
On December 8, 2000, the above-named was placed on supervised release for a period of 3 years. He has complied with the rules and regulations of supervision. It is accordingly recommended that he be discharged from supervision.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ karen a. meusling Karen A. Meusling Supervising United States Probation Officer
It is ordered that the supervised releasee be discharged from supervised release, and that the proceedings in the case be terminated.