3:08-CR-485 (TJM/GJD).
August 28, 2008
The court has received from defense counsel a letter from a realtor in connection with the property proposed to be posted by Lisa Gerchman. The court has reviewed the letter from Maureen Adams, and will accept her opinion about the fair market value of 12 Lois Avenue, Binghamton. Accordingly, the court will order that defendant be released on the standard conditions plus those proposed by Pretrial Services, and the proper posting of the Agreement to Forfeit Real Property.
WHEREFORE it is hereby
ORDERED, that the clerk can prepare the papers for release as soon as the property is posted; and it is further
ORDERED, that defendant will be RELEASED from custody on the conditions proposed by Pretrial Services, plus the Agreement to Forfeit Real Property signed by Lisa Gerchman.