CIVIL ACTION NO. 1:08-CV-336, (Judge Conner).
January 5, 2009
AND NOW, this 5th day of January, 2009, it is hereby ORDERED that plaintiff's unopposed motions (Docs. 17 18) to confirm the November 6, 2008, United States Marshal sale of the foreclosed real property, located at 208 Walnut Street, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania is GRANTED. The United States Marshal is directed to execute and deliver to KENNETH D. CLAAR, their successors and assigns, a good and sufficient deed, conveying all the right, title, and interest of SHELLY A. EVANS and HARRY S. EVANS, JR., in and to the premises sold, located at 208 Walnut Street, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837. Jurisdiction in the above-captioned matter is retained for such further orders or decrees as may be necessary.