Case Number: 06-12776, Claim Number: 1998A12767.
April 23, 2009
In accordance with the Stipulation of the parties: It is hereby ordered that STAK ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED deduct the sum of $32.50 per pay from the wages of said defendant, KIMBERLY CHAPMAN social security number: XXX-XX-0468 and transmit such sum to:
U.S. Department of Justice
P.O. Box 70932
Charlotte, NC 28272-0932
Please include account number 1998A12767
This wage assignment is to remain in effect until the balance of $1,775.38 plus accruing interest is satisfied. The office of HOLZMAN RITTER LEDUC PLLC., Attorney for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will notify STAK ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED when the remaining balance is less than $100.00 so that no overpayment is created.
A copy of this order is to be served upon STAK ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED Payroll Department.