Docket Number: 2:95CR00386-012.
August 18, 2005
On October 30, 1997, the above-named was placed on supervised release for a period of 5 years. He has complied with the rules and regulations of supervision. It is accordingly recommended that he be discharged from supervision.
It is ordered that the supervised releasee be discharged from supervised release, and that the proceedings in the case be terminated. LEGAL HISTORY:
On October 30, 1997, the above-named was placed on supervised release for a period of 5 years, which commenced on December 13, 2001. Special conditions included a requirement for warrantless search, participation in a correctional treatment program for drug or alcohol abuse, and no pager or cellular phone without approval of the probation officer.
Kenneth Challberg has complied with all conditions and special conditions of supervised release, and has not been involved in any further criminal activities. It is the opinion of the probation officer supervising Challberg in the Northern District of California that Kenneth Challberg has derived maximum benefit from supervision and is not in need of continued supervision. RECOMMENDATION:
It is, therefore, respectfully recommended that supervised release in this case be terminated early.