Civil No. 98-211 L
January 17, 2001
Now before the Court is the United States' motion for an order confirming the sale of real property located at 1301 Flynn St., Woods County, Alva, Oklahoma. The sale of that real property was conducted by the United States Marshal for the Western District of Oklahoma on September 21, 2000, pursuant to the Order of Sale issued by this Court directing the sale of the real property described as follows:
A tract of land out of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 27 North, Range 14 W.I.M. Woods County, Oklahoma described as follows: Beginning at a point 60 feet West of the Northwest corner of Lot Eight (8), in Block twenty (20), of the Hess Third Addition to Alva, Oklahoma, thence South 150 feet thence West 60 feet, thence North 150 feet thence East 60 feet to the point of beginning. And being sometimes described as Lot 1 and the East 10 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, of the Woodson Addition to Alva, Oklahoma, located at 1301 Flynn St., Alva, Oklahoma.
The Court has examined the proceedings of the United States Marshal under the Order of Sale. No objections to the sale have been filed. The Court finds that due and legal notice of the sale was given by publication once a week for at least four weeks prior to sale in a newspaper of general circulation (the Alva Review-Courier) in Woods County, Oklahoma, and that on September 21, 2000 the property was sold to Sherry Campbell for the sum of $36,000, cash, being the highest and best bid. The Court further finds that the sale was in all respects in conformity with the law and the judgment of this Court.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the United States Marshal's sale and all proceedings under the Order of Sale are hereby approved and confirmed and that the United States Marshal for the Western District of Oklahoma make and execute to the purchaser, Sherry Campbell, a good and sufficient deed for the property.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that since this foreclosure action was commenced by an agency of the United States Government in United States District Court, no period of redemption is granted to any of the parties of this action.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that upon the execution and delivery of the Deed to the purchaser by the United States Marshal, the purchaser is hereby granted possession of the property against any and all persons now in possession.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that should it become necessary for the United States Marshal to evict the taxpayer or any tenants from the property, the United States Marshal may file an amended Return of Sale to include the costs of eviction.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the proceeds of the sale are to remain in the interest bearing account held by the Clerk of the District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma until further order of the Court.