CRIM. NO 09-863 (SRC)
JOSEPH Mack Assistant United States Attorney
Abrams & Wofsy, Esqs
This matter being opened to the Court by Atoms & Wofey, Esqs., attorneys for defendant, Peter Ventricelli, Arthur J. A beams, Esq. with she consent of Paul J. Fishman, the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey, (Assistant United Slates Attorney Joseph Mack, appearing) for an Order discharging the defendant's United States passport from the custody of United States Pre-Trial Services or the United States District Court Clerk's Office since defendant was sentenced on February 6, 2012 and the United States Attorney consenting thereto and good cause bung shown.
IT IS on this ___ day of __, 2012
ORDERED that Pre-Trial Services or the Clerk of the United States District Court return defendant Peter Ventricle's United States passport to defendant or his attorney, Arthur J. Abraras, Esq. since Petet Ventricelli is presently confined to a Fedeial Correctional Institution.
Hon. Stanley R. Chester
United States District Court Judge
I have no objection to the
form and entry of the within Order
Assistant United States Attorney