United States America v. Ivonne Regalado-Arce
On May 1, 2020, Ivonne Regalado-Arce was sentenced by the Honorable Dana M. Sabraw in the Southern District of California to a term of time served (224 Days) followed by three (3) years of supervised release for the offense of Importation of Cocaine, a Class A Felony. On December 1, 2020, the District of Nevada accepted supervision of her case. Jurisdiction of her case was subsequently accepted by Your Honor on January 25, 2021.
Regaldo-Arce is requesting to travel to Ensenada, Mexico on September 2, 2022, returning on September 10, 2022. Regaldo-Arce has three children who live with her mother in Ensenada, Mexico. Her travel would consist of visiting her children along with celebrating her daughter's birthday while in Mexico. She plans to travel in her personal vehicle and anticipates the trip will cost $400. Regalado-Arce is working full time at Brady Linen Services and has expressed an interest in obtaining her own apartment, so that she can eventually bring her children home with her from Mexico. Regalado-Arce is currently on the low-risk caseload and in compliance with her supervision terms. She is due to expire from supervision on April 30, 2023.
At this time, our office respectfully defers to the Court to approve or deny Regaldo-Arce's request to travel outside the country. Should the Court have any questions, the Probation Office will be available at the Court's convenience.
Respectfully submitted, Briana Casey, United States Probation Officer Assistant
Joy Gabonia, Supervisory United States Probation Officer
X Requested Travel is Approved
[] Requested Travel is Denied
[] Other