Case No. 00-40104-01-JTM Case No. 00-40104-02-JTM
Defendants have moved for a certified copy of a DEA Risk Assessment of Todd Skinner to use in their response, due June 3, 2017, to the government's objection (Dkt. 790) to unsealing the entire Skinner DEA file. By separate order, the court has already rejected the defendants' contention that the Risk Assessment should be unsealed and placed on the court docket precedent to resolving the fate of the DEA file. (Dkt. 787).
Defendants have a copy of the Risk Assessment, and to the extent they need to reference it responding to the government, they may do so without the relief requested. In light of the foregoing, the court hereby extends the time for defendants' response to July 3, 2017.
IT IS SO ORDERED this 2nd day of June, 2017.
s/ J. Thomas Marten
J. Thomas Marten, Judge