Case Number: 12-6008M
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. Eduardo Navarro-Onofre
In accordance with the Bail Reform Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3142(f), a detention hearing was held on January 23, 2012. Defendant was present and was represented by counsel. I conclude by a preponderance of the evidence the defendant is a flightrisk and order the detention of the defendant pending trial in this case.
I find by a preponderance of the evidence that:
[X] The defendant is not a citizen of the United States or lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
[X] The defendant, at the time of the charged offense, was in the United States illegally.
[X] If released herein, the defendant faces removal proc eedings by the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, placing him/her beyond the jurisdiction ofthis Court and the defendant has previously beendeported or otherwise removed.
[] The defendant has no significant contacts in the United States or in the District of Arizona.
[] The defendant has no resources in the United States from which he/she might make a bond reasonably calculated to assure his/her future appearance.
[X] The defendant has a prior criminal history.
[] The defendant lives/works in Mexico.
[] The defendant is an amnesty applicant but has no substantial ties i n Arizona or in the United States and has substantial family ties to Mexico.
[X] There is a record of the defendant's failure to comply with Court ordered supervision.
[] The defendant attempted to evade law enforcement contact by fleeing from law enforcement.
[] The defendant is facing a maximum of ____________ years imprisonment.
The Court incorporates by referencethe material findings of the Pretrial Services Agency which were reviewed by the Court at the time of the hearing in this matter, except as noted in the record.
1. There is a serious risk that the defendant will flee.
2. No condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure the appearance of the defendant as required.
The defendant is committed to the custody of the Attorney General or his/her designated representative for confinement in a corrections facility separate, to the extent practicable, fom persons awaiting or serving sentences or beingheld in custody pending appeal. The defendant shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity forprivate consultation with defense counsel. On order of acourt of the United States or on request of an attorneyfor the Government, the person in charge of the corrections facilityshall deliver the defendant to the United States Marshal for the purpose of an appearance in connection with a court proceeding.
IT IS ORDERED that should an appeal of this detention order befiled with the District Court, it is counsel's responsibility to deliver a copy of the motion for review/reconsideration to Prertial Services at least one day prior to the hearing set beforehte District Court.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that if a release to a third partys to be considered, it is counsel's responsibility^ notify Pretrial Services sufficiently in advance of the hearing before the District Court to allow Pretrial Services an opportunity to interview and investigate the potential third party custodian.
David K. Duncan
United States Magistrate Judge