Cr.: CR10-00114 PACTS Number: 57327
USA v. LOWSON et al
Request for Modifying the Conditions or Term of Supervision
with Consent of the Offender
(Probation Form 49, Waiver of Hearing is Attached)
Name of Offender: Kenneth James Lowson
Name of Sentencing Judicial Officer: Honorable Katharine S. Hayden
Date of Original Sentence: 06/09/11
Original Offense: Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud to Obtain Unauthorized Access to Computers
Original Sentence: 2 years probation. $100 special assessment imposed. Special conditions: 1) 300 hours community service; 2) alcohol/drug testing and treatment; 3) cooperate with the Internal Revenue Service; and, 4) mental health evaluation and treatment.
Type of Supervision: Probation Date Supervision Commenced: 06/09/11
[ ] To extend the term of supervision for Years, for a total term of Years.
[X] To modify the conditions of supervision as follows. The addition of the following special condition(s):
You shall reside for a period of 3 months in a community corrections center, halfway house, or similar residential facility and shall observe all the rules of the facility. You shall be eligible for weekend privileges. You shall not pay subsistence as required by the program.
Lowson submitted to drug testing on March 28, 2012, which returned positive for the presence of marijuana. The offender is participating in a random drug testing program and is pending placement into the residential re-entry center where he will participate in substance abuse treatment.
Respectfully submitted,
[×] 'The Modification of Conditions as Noted Above
[ ] The Extension of Supervision as Noted Above
[ ] No Action
[ ] Other
Signature of Judicial Officer