The Court imposes the following sanction and special condition:
X Verbal reprimand to adhere to the following mandatory condition: "You must not commit another federal, state or local crime."
X Verbal reprimand not to use alcohol. Adhere to the following special condition: "The defendant shall not use or possess alcohol in any consumable form, no shall the defendant be in the social company of any person whom the defendant knows to be in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs or frequent an establishment where alcohol is served for consumption on the premises, with the exception of restaurants."
X Add a condition for alcohol monitoring device for 30 days.
X Enroll in and/or participate in a domestic violence and/or receive treatment with an emphasis on anger management.
X Loss of credit in the HOPE Program for one month.
[ ] Increased reporting to the probation officer as follows:______
[ ] Increased drug testing as follows: ______
[ ] Participation in drug, alcohol, or mental health treatment.
[ ] Complete hours ______ community service as directed.
[ ] Comply with the following curfew restrictions or home confinement: ______
[ ] Defendant shall reside and satisfactorily participate in a Residential Re-Entry Center for days.
[ ] Serve_days in jail, to be released on______
[ ] Termination from the H.O.P.E Program.
[ ] Changes in current treatment:______
All previously-imposed terms and conditions of your supervised release remain in effect, unless expressly noted otherwise.
Your next H.O.P.E. Program review date is on March 21. 2024 at the U.S. Courthouse in the Eastern District of Michigan.