United States of America v. Marian Grace Fleming
I, Marian Grace Fleming, have discussed with Erik Carlson, Pretrial Services/Probation Officer, modification of my release as follows:
On January 5, 2022, Ms. Fleming appeared before the Court for the purpose of a detention review hearing after her successful completion of inpatient substance abuse treatment. The Court ordered Ms, Fleming to be released under conditions of pretrial release supervision (ECF No. 66). Since her release from custody, Ms. Fleming has complied with her conditions of pretrial release supervision.
Additional condition number 11 requires Ms. Fleming to remain in the Eastern District of Washington while the case is pending, unless a motion requesting travel outside of the district is granted by the Court. Ms. Fleming recently inquired about traveling to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for a church-related function that will occur in September 2022.
The undersigned officer respectfully recommends Ms. Fleming's release condition regarding her travel restrictions be modified to allow her to travel to Idaho for her church function. Additionally, the requested modification will allow the U.S. Probation Office the ability to approve future travel requests.
Modified Condition: Defendant shall remain in the Eastern District of Washington while the case is pending. Defendant may be permitted to travel outside the geographical area with advance notice and approval from U.S. Probation.
The U.S. Attorney's Office docs not object to the modification request.
I consent to the modification of my release conditions and agree to abide by the modification.
I have reviewed the conditions with my client and concur that the modification is appropriate
[X] The above modification of conditions of release is not ordered to be effective on 8/25/22.
[ ] The above modification of condition of release is not ordered.
James A. Goeke Signature of Judicial Officer