United States of America v. Eric A. Eagleton
I, Eric A. Eagleton, have discussed with Erik Carlson, Pretrial Services/Probation Officer, modification of my release as follows:
On May 2,2022, Mr. Eagleton appeared before the Court for the purpose of a detention hearing. The Court ordered Mr. Eagleton to be released from custody under conditions of pretrial release supervision (ECF No. 61).
Additional condition of release number 17 subjects Mr. Eagleton to home detention, in which he is required to receive permission from the U.S. Probation Office to leave his residence for specific purposes. Since Mr. Eagleton's release, there are no known violations of pretrial release supervision.
Based on his compliance with the release conditions, the undersigned officer respectfully recommends additional condition number 17, which subjects Mr. Eagleton to home detention, be removed from the release order.
The U.S. Attorney's Office does not object to this modification request.
I consent to this modification of my release conditions and agree to abide by this modification.
I have reviewed the conditions with my client and concur that this modification is appropriate.
[X] The above modification of conditions of release is ordered, to be effective on 7/8/2022 .
[ ] The above modification of conditions of release is not ordered. 7/8/2022