Case No. 11 Cr. 277
Honorable Stanley R. Chester
Order Modifying Conditions of Pre-Trial Release
This matter having been opened to the Court by defendant ANDRE DOMANDO, Robert J. Olejar, Esq., appearing, for an Order modifying the conditions of pre-trial release regarding Active GPS monitoring ["GPS"], due to the several adjournments of the trial in this matter, and the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey, by Anthony J. Mahajan, Assistant U.S. Attorney appearing, and Pre-Trial Services having consented to the request; and it appearing to the Court that Defendant has been on Active GPS monitoring since March 28,2011, without incident, and it further appearing to the Court that Defendant has heretofore complied with all restrictions of pre-trial release imposed by this Court, and for good cause shown:
IT IS, on this 10 day of ___, 2012, ORDERED that the Defendant's request is hereby granted; and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that Defendant Andre Domando's conditions of pretrial release be, and hereby are, modified so as to vacate the condition requiring Active GPS monitoring; and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that U.S. Pre-Triai Services remove all Active GPS monitoring devices and equipment from the person and residence of Defendant, and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that Defendant continue to comply with all other conditions of pre-trial release pending sentencing.
United Stales District Judge
I hereby consent to the form and entry of this Order. _______________________
Anthony J. Mahajan, AUSA
Robert J. Olejar. Esq.
Counsel for Defendant Andre Domando