Docket No. 12-585
U.S.A. v. Caesar Canchucaja
Petition for Action on Conditions of Pretrial Release
COMES NOW Vincent Imbrosciano PRETRIAL SERVICES OFFICER, presenting an official report upon the conduct of defendant, Caesar Canchucaja, who was placed under pretrial release supervision by the Honorable Stanley R. Chesler sitting in the Court at Newark, New Jersey, on September 5, 2012, under the following conditions:
$50,000 Unsecured Appearance Bond
1. Pretrial Services Supervision
2. Travel restricted to New Jersey, unless approved by Pretrial Services
3. Surrender passport and do not apply for new travel documents
4. Mental health testing/treatment as directed by Pretrial Services
5. Abstain from alcohol use
6. Maintain or actively seek employment and/or commence education program
7. Abide by all restraining orders
Respectfully presenting petition for action of Court and for cause as follows:
PRAYING THAT THE COURT WILL ORDER drug/alcohol testing and treatment as directed by Pretrial Services as an added condition to the defendant's bail. ORDER OF COURT
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Considered and ordered this ___ day of ___, ___ and ordered filed and made a part of the records in the above case.
on ______________
Honorable Stanley R. Chesler
U.S. District Judge
Vincent Imbrosciano
U.S. Pretrial Services Officer