T.T.L. v. A.T.L.

2 Citing cases

  1. T.T.L. v. A.T.L.

    14-P-721 (Mass. App. Ct. Mar. 30, 2015)   Cited 1 times
    In T.T.L. v. A.T.L., 87 Mass. App. Ct. 1113 (2015), in two companion cases, we affirmed the April 15, 2014, extension of the order and the order denying the husband's motion to terminate and expunge the order.

    1. Extension of the order. In T.T.L. v. A.T.L., 85 Mass. App. Ct. 1116 (2014), this court affirmed the issuance of an order denying a prior motion to terminate and expunge the same 209A order as is at issue in this case. In extending the order, the judge here considered the defendant's past sexual abuse of the plaintiff and the plaintiff's expressed continuing fear of the defendant which was such that merely seeing him in the courthouse made her "scared."

  2. T.T.L. v. A.T.L.

    14-P-1834 (Mass. App. Ct. Feb. 22, 2016)

    This conduct is identified in G. L. c. 209A, ยง 1(c), as causing another "to engage involuntarily in sexual relations by force, threat or duress." In T.T.L. v. A.T.L., 85 Mass. App. Ct. 1116 (2014), we affirmed the April 16, 2013, abuse prevention order. In T.T.L. v. A.T.L., 87 Mass. App. Ct. 1113 (2015), in two companion cases, we affirmed the April 15, 2014, extension of the order and the order denying the husband's motion to terminate and expunge the order.