Finnegan Magistrate Judge
Blakey Judge
Grant R. Piechocinski, states as follows:
1. Declarant is an associate in the Law Firm Arnold & Kadjan handling this case.
2. Our firm has spent 8 hours in litigation in this matter.
• 3 hours - Drafting Complaint
• 1.5 - Preparing Motion for Default and Audit Order
• 1.5- Preparing Motion for Judgment in Sum Certain
• 2.0 - Court appearances on: February 14, 2023; and April 13, 2023;
3. Our normal rate is $250 per hour.
4. Our firm charged the Trustees of the Chicago Painters and Decorators, et. al. $3,900.00 in this matter.
5. Our firm charged $402.00 for court filing fee and $170.00 process service fee.
6. Total fees and costs are $2,572.00
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Illinois and the United States that the foregoing is true and correct. Signed this 15th day of June 2023 in Chicago, Illinois.