LC No. 21-017433-AH
Amy Ronayne Krause Presiding Judge, Michael J. Kelly, Brock A. Swartzle Judges
Amy Ronayne Krause Presiding Judge
On the Court's own motion, in lieu of dismissing the claim of appeal because it was not timely filed within 21 days after entry of the order appealed from, MCR 7.204(A)(1)(a), the claim of appeal is treated as a delayed application for leave to appeal.
Appellant's brief filed on February 24, 2022 is treated as a brief in support of the delayed application for leave to appeal. Appellees may timely file an answer to the delayed application within 21 days after the date of this order. See MCR 7.205(C). If appellees file such an answer appellant may file a reply brief within 21 days after service of the answer. MCR 7.205(D); MCR 7.212(G). Thereafter, the delayed application will be submitted to the Court for a decision. MCR 7.205(E).