Cause number: 01-15-00861-CV
Terrell William Proctor dba T.W. Proctor and Associates, and PRECO v. Quality Signs, Inc.
Type of motion: Third Motion to Extend Time to File Brief Party filing motion: Appellant Document to be filed: Appellant's Brief Is appeal accelerated? No If motion to extend time:
Original due date: March 21, 2016Ordered that motion is:
Number of previous extensions granted: 2 Current Due date: June 6, 2016
Date Requested: July 6, 2016
[v] Granted
If document is to be filed, document due: July 6, 2016
[v] The Court will not grant additional motions to extend time.
Judge's signature: /s/ Russell Lloyd
[ ] Denied
[ ] Dismissed (e.g., want of jurisdiction, moot)
[ ] Other: __________
Appellants' brief was initially due to be filed in this Court on March 21, 2016. After we granted appellants' first motion for extension, appellants' brief was due on April 20. On April 27, the Clerk of this Court notified appellants that they had not filed a brief or a motion for extension of time and the time to file the brief had expired. Appellants responded with a second motion, and we extended the time to file the brief to June 6. Appellants have filed a third motion, requesting a thirty-day extension, 105 days beyond the initial due date
The motion is granted. Appellant's brief is due to be filed no later than JULY 6 , 2016.
No additional extensions will be granted.
[v] Acting individually [ ] Acting for the Court Date: June 14, 2016