Case. The plaintiff said quod cum the plaintiff had retained the defendant, being an attorney and clerk of the King's Bench, in an action of debt for £ 40, versus, etc. And eadem causa delivered him an obligation, in which one Johnston cognovit se debere to the now plaintiff and another, etc., salvo custodiend. et ad narr. Thereupon and prosequi the same till judgment, or till the matter should be otherwise determined, and then redeliver it to the plaintiff, and he had paid him his fees for prosecuting the said suit, and predictus tamen Harris fiduciam suam minime curans, sed machinans, etc., impedire quaerentem, non prosecuts est placitum predictum, nor did redeliver the said deed, licet saepius requisit. sed pracedictum factum tali loco et die, sine licentiam quaerentis, et sine licito warranto, fraudulenter tradidit, to the obligor ad cancellandum. It was objected that this action is brought by one only of the obligees.
It is well enough, for the delivery was by one only. Judgment for the plaintiff.
Towse. The defendant is liable to the action of the other obligee.
CREW, C. J., and JONES, J. No; this action is pleadable in bar to it.